Hangzhou welcomes more facilitators to join in ICH safeguarding work
"Zhejiang has developed its own way to safeguard ICH and we would like to promote the mode to wider access, increase the public's awareness on ICH and integrate ICH into our daily lifestyles," Chen added.
The training focuses on several issues including UNESCO's capacity building, follow-up of the 2017 global strategy meeting with facilitators and its recommendations, network development, sustainable development, national-level policy support, international assistance, building the capacity to integrate intangible cultural heritage in development policies and program, and the inclusion of intangible cultural heritage in education.
The training also sets out to enrich the ICH faculty building in the Asia-Pacific, provides opportunities for participants to practice how to teach the basic concepts, requirements, mechanisms and policy support of the Convention, and offers the platforms for trainees from different countries to exchange views with one another.
Susanne Elizabeth SCHNüTTGEN-K?STER, chief of the capacity building and heritage policy unit, intangiable culture heritage section, UNESCO, expressed her gratitude for CRIHAP's efforts to hold the training session and hoped that trainees can learn something useful from the course and get a better understanding of ICH safeguarding work in the future work.