Prince of fantasy
An animated series adapted from Ma Boyong's popular novel, Beyond the Ocean, is set to capture the imagination of a new generation of fans, Wang Kaihao reports.
It is difficult to define which genre he belongs to-scifi, historical, adventure, fantasy, or even others. All these elements are usually found intertwined throughout his works.
Nicknamed "Prince" by his fans, author Ma Boyong is renowned for his skill in creating grand, majestic worlds in his novels.
The 38-year-old writer repeatedly insists he knows nothing but "how to write characters" during an interview with China Daily in Beijing on Aug 10. But his recent change of tack has shown that this "prince" is happy to embrace change and expand his horizons with his recent foray into animation.
An animated series adapted from his popular adventure novel, Beyond the Ocean-or Sihai Jingqi (riding whales across the seas) in Chinese-will be released on the video-streaming platform iQiyi on Aug 16, with new episodes airing each week.
"I grew up watching animations," Ma says.
"You can imagine how excited I was when my works were turned into animations for the first time.
"I even wanted to join the dubbing cast," he says with a giggle. "It's pity that the producers refused my offer and asked me to focus on what I do best."
The 3D series will also mark the maiden voyage of a Chinese animated production that centers around a naval battle.
The story, which is set in a fictional dynasty in ancient times, follows Jianwen, a timid crown prince who is haunted by his fear of being killed. He has an adventure with a group of whale riders, who undertake a journey in search of a lost, mythical Buddhist island.