Spain-based Maureen Choi Quartet brings new album to China
The Maureen Choi Quartet, a Jazz ensemble based in Spain, recently showcased their latest album Theia and classic Spanish music pieces in China as part of their Asia tour.
The quartet features musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds, led by Maureen Choi, a Korean-American violinist, and includes Spanish pianist Daniel García Diego, Spanish bassist Mario Carrillo and Cuban drummer Michael Olivera.
The quartet performed at the Shanghai JZ Music Festival 2019 on Sept 14, and then came to Beijing on Sept 17, hosting two concerts at The Temple Hotel, a Buddhist temple from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) that has been restored into a complex for cultural events such as concerts and exhibitions.
According to the ensemble, it aims to "create beautiful music with emotional content that everyone understands and feels as their own ".