Filmmaking duo reunite for a sleeper hit's remake
A 24-episode TV series remake of Our Shinning Days, a box-office dark horse in 2017, has been released on the streaming giant
The series marks a reunion of director Wang Ran and scriptwriter Bao Jingjing, both propelled to fame for the 2017 movie.
Set in a fictional high school affiliated to a conservatory of music, the tale centers on Chen Jing, a quirky yet talented teenager who majors in yangqin, a Chinese hammered dulcimer.
As falling for a piano prodigy, Chen stumbles upon a string of embarrassing moments, unexpectedly stirring a conflict between two groups of students respectively studying Chinese and Western musical instruments.
In order to resolve the conflict and win her love, the teen girl establishes an orchestra ensemble of traditional instrument players, but things go beyond her expectations.
Since the series debuted online on Dec 16, it has won a number of applauds, exemplified by the score up to 7.8 points out of 10 on, a popular review site.
The series was shot in Qingdao, Shandong province, between July and October last year. A new cast was recruited, joining hands of young performers Zhou Yiran, Hao Fushen, and Liu Yongxi.