Growing from strength to strength
By the numbers
China Daily has a global circulation of 700,000, a multimedia readership of 350 million, 35 bureaus across the Chinese mainland and 14 overseas bureaus.
China Daily newspapers: Flagship Edition on the Chinese mainland; Hong Kong Edition; Global Edition, covering North and South America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific and Africa.
China Daily Global Edition is founded on Jan 2, 2019. Its daily version is a 16-page broadsheet newspaper published daily from Monday to Friday. Its weekly version, China Daily Global Weekly, is a 32-page tabloid published every Friday. China Daily Global Edition is printed in 32 printing centers overseas. It has a combined circulation of 300,000.
More than 20,000 China Daily stories are quoted 100,000 times by overseas media every year.
The 21st Century Eng-lish Education Media, launched in 1993, includes more than 10 media platforms ranging from newspapers, websites to mobile apps, social media accounts and e-papers.
5 million
China Watch, a China Daily supplement, is published as an insert of major international newspapers. It has a combined circulation of more than 5 million.
52 million is one of the world’s largest and most influential news websites. The number of its daily page views reaches 52 million.
36 million
China Daily app has been downloaded by more than 36 million readers from 180 countries.
China Daily has published special editions for the Olympic Games, the World Expos, the APEC meetings, the Asia Games and other important events.
China Daily has built and maintains websites and mobile apps for more than 200 Chinese government agencies, businesses and institutions, including the State Council and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
China Daily plays a key role in the Asia News Network, a collaborative effort of 24 leading media organizations from 20 countries and regions in the continent.
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