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China always supports multilateral trading system


The Chinese government has always supported the multilateral trading system, and it is ready to work with other members of the World Trade Organization to strengthen the system, a senior trade official said on Wednesday.

"The multilateral trading system, which is represented by the WTO, plays an important and irreplaceable role in maintaining world economic stability and promoting global trade liberalization," said Qiu Hong, assistant minister of commerce of China.

Since China's accession to the WTO in 2001, the Chinese government has been actively participating in the activities of various WTO bodies, and has also been playing a constructive role in the Doha Round negotiations, Qiu addressed a biyearly WTO meeting which reviews China's trade policies.

According to the official, the Chinese government has submitted, either individually or by co-sponsorship with other members, a large number of proposals on agriculture, NAMA (Non-Agricultural Market Access), services and other topics of the Doha Round.

China believes that under the mandate of placing development at the heart of the round, more attention should be paid to the interests of developing members throughout the negotiations, she said.

The negotiations on specific issues should take into full consideration the development level and capacity of developing members, and enable them to gain tangible benefits through special and differential treatment, she added.

Qiu stressed that maintaining open trade and combating protectionism are the common responsibility of all the WTO's 152 members.

"The Chinese government will work with other members to strengthen the multilateral trading system and promote a balanced and healthy development of economic globalization," she said.

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