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The 3rd IRCI Governing Board Meeting held in Sakai City

Source: CRIHAP
The 3rd IRCI Governing Board Meeting held in Sakai City

Participants visit traditional Japanese intangible cultural heritage programs.

The 3rd IRCI Governing Board Meeting held in Sakai City

Participants visit traditional Japanese intangible cultural heritage programs.

The Governing Board of IRCI (International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO) in Japan held its third session in October, 2014. The meeting declared the decision of replacing a board member, and approved the 'Suggestions on Abolishing Executive Committee'. The board also reviewed and approved the revised 'Medium-term and Long-term Plan', as well as '2013 Work Report and the Final Statement' and '2015 Work Plan and Budget'.

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