A pair of British researchers said Monday they had worked out
a simple equation to quantify happiness that could put an exact
figure on the emotional state.
After interviewing 1000 people, the researchers -- a psychologist
and a self-styled "life coach" -- concluded that happiness
equals P + 5E + 3H.
In the equation, P stands for Personal Characteristics (outlook
on life, adaptability and resilience); E for Existence (health,
friendships and financial stability) and H represents Higher Order
(self-esteem, expectations and ambitions).
The scientists asked interviewees -- a mix of men and women all
over 18 years old -- to choose five scenarios that made them more
happy or less happy from a list of 80 different situations. They
also asked a series of questions about their own natures, outlooks
and situations.
Not surprisingly, the results showed that men and women found
happiness in different ways.
Sunny weather, being with family and losing weight were more
of an influence on women's happiness, while romance, sex, hobbies
and victories by their favorite sports teams were more important
to men.
The study was commissioned by a holiday company that wanted to
understand what made people happier.