Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China
中國共產黨安徽省委員會 |
Division of work 工作分工
Guide the Provincial Committee in its overall work
Resume of Zhang Baoshun
張寶順簡歷 Details | 詳細
Zhang Baoshun
張寶順 |
People’s Government of Anhui Province
安徽省人民政府 |
Division of work工作分工
Leading comprehensive governmental work of Anhui
Resume of Wang Sanyun
王三運簡歷 Details | 詳細
Wang Sanyun
王三運 |
About Anhui 安徽省簡介
Briefly referred to as: Wan
【簡稱】皖 Area: 139600sq km
Population: 61,350,000
Administrative division: 17 Prefecture-levelcities, 44 sub-municipal districts
【行政區劃】17地級市,44市轄區 |
Anhui province is briefly named as Wan, with Hefei as the provincial seat. The economic development of Anhui province is characterized with obvious reliance on resources, with electric power, metallurgy, building materials, textile, chemical raw materials and food processing accounting for a relatively large ratio. Anhui is a major agriculture province, one of the main production areas for grain, cotton, oilseeds and tea.
In 2008, Anhui’s GDP totals 1.22634 trillion yuan.
Anhui province has a long history. The Anhui’s mineral resources are abundant in varieties and reserves and concentrated in distribution, with coal, iron, copper, sulfur and alum as its five largest minerals. The potential values of the reserves come out on top in both east China and the country as a whole. Anhui is one of the most abundant provinces in tourism resources in China with well-known mountains and rivers scattered across the province. Anhui has already become railway traffic center in the mid-areas of China. Its river-way transportation is developing fast.
Zhao Shucong
Division of work 工作分工 |
Responsible for agriculture, rural areas, water resources, forestry, civil affairs, population and family planning, and poverty alleviation. In charge of the Agriculture Committee, Water Conservancy Department, Forestry Department, Population and Family Planning Commission, Bureau of Grain Supplies, Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Poverty Alleviation Office, Academy of Agricultural Science. Responsible for contacting the Huaihe River Commission, Meteorological Bureau, Commissioner’s Office of the State Bureau of Forestry and Anhui Branch of China Grain Reserves Corporation. 負責“三農”工作和水利、林業、民政、人口計劃生育、扶貧等方面的工作。 分管農委、水利廳、林業廳、民政廳、人口計生委、糧食局、供銷社、農科院、扶貧辦。 聯系淮委、氣象局、國家林業局專員辦、中儲糧安徽分公司。
Huang Haisong
Division of work 工作分工 |
Responsible for industry, communications, labor and social security, information industry, supervision and administration over the State-owned assets and work safety. In charge of the Economic Commission, Department of Communications, Department of Labor and Social Security, Department of Information Industry, Supervision and Management Commission of State-Owned Property, Bureau of Work Safety, Office of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, Bureau of Complete Machinery Equipment (The Tendering Bureau) . Responsible for contacting the Federation of Industry and Commerce, Federation of Trade Unions, Bureau of Coal Safety Supervision, Bureau of Resources Reservation Management, Bureau of Telecommunication Management, Post Bureau, Power Company, Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Chinese Tobacco Enterprise in Anhui, and the offices (stationed in Anhui) of telecommunications, post and civil aviation. 負責工業、交通、勞動和社會保障、信息產業、國有資產監督管理、安全生產監督管理等方面的工作。 分管經委、交通廳、勞動和社會保障廳、信息產業廳、國有資產監督管理委員會、安全生產監督管理局、國防科工辦、機械設備成套局(招標局)。 聯系工商聯、總工會、煤礦安全監察局、儲備物資管理局、通信管理局、郵政局、電力公司、煙草專賣局、安徽中煙工業公司和電信、郵政、民航等在皖單位。
Tang Chengpei
Division of work 工作分工 |
Responsible for ethnic, religion, public safety, state security, judicatory, legislative affairs, letters and calls,civil air defense and administrative transparency. In charge of the Ethnic Affairs Commission (Religion Bureau), Department of Public Safety, Department of State Security, Department of Justice, Office of legislative Affairs, Office of Civil Air Defense, Bureau of Letters and Calls, Prison Administration, Academy of Social Sciences, Consultative Committee, Disabled Persons Federation, the Office for Administrative Transparency. Responsible for contacting army, armed police, court, procuratorate and united front work, Youth League Committee of Anhui Province, Association of Art and Literature, and Social Service Association. 負責民族、宗教、公安、國家安全、司法行政、政府法制、人防、信訪、政務公開等方面的工作。 分管民委(宗教局)、公安廳、國家安全廳、司法廳、法制辦、人防辦、信訪局、監獄管理局、社科院、咨詢委、殘聯、政務公開辦。 聯系軍隊、武警、法院、檢察院和統戰、團省委、文聯、社聯。
Ni Fake
Division of work 工作分工 |
Responsible for science and technology, land and resources, construction, environmental protection and seismology. In charge of the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Land and Recourses, Department of Construction, Bureau of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Geological and Minerals Prospecting and Surveying, Bureau of East China Metallurgy and Geological Prospecting and Surveying, Bureau of Geology for Coal Field of Anhui Province. Responsible for contacting the Provincial Association of Science and Technology, Seismological Bureau, Chinese Academy of Science Hefei Material Science Research Institute and other Anhui branches of research institutes. 負責科技、國土資源、建設、環保、地震等方面的工作。 分管科技廳、國土資源廳、建設廳、環保局、地質礦產勘查局、華東冶金地質勘查局、安徽煤田地質局。 聯系省科協、地震局、中國科學院合肥物質科學研究院等駐皖科研院所。
Xie Guangxiang
Division of work 工作分工 |
Responsible for education, culture, public health, press and publication, radio and television, physical education and local history chronicles compilation. In charge of the Education Department, Culture Department, Department of Public Health, Administration of Physical Culture, Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Administration of Press and Publication (Copyright Bureau), Office of Local Chronicles Compilation, Women and Children’s Working Committee. Responsible for contacting the Women’s Federation and the Red Cross Society. 負責教育、文化、衛生、體育、廣播電視、新聞出版、地方志等方面工作。 分管教育廳、文化廳、衛生廳、體育局、廣播電影電視局、新聞出版局(版權局)、地方志辦公室、婦兒工委。 聯系婦聯、紅十字會。
Hua Jianhui
Division of work 工作分工 |
Responsible for trade and business, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, administration of industry and commerce, tourism, and quality and technology supervision, Taiwan-oriented affairs. In charge of the Commerce Department, Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision, Food and Drug Supervision Administration, Tourism Administrative Bureau, Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs, Office of Taiwan Affairs, Information Office and Trade Promotion Commission. Responsible for contacting with the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and Hefei Customs. 負責商務、外事、僑務、旅游、工商行政管理、質量技術監督、食品藥品監管、對臺事務等方面工作。 分管商務廳、工商局、質監局、食品藥品監管局、外辦(僑辦)、旅游局、臺辦、新聞辦、貿促會。 聯系僑聯、臺聯、出入境檢驗檢疫局、合肥海關。