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Submarine: 潛艇


8月7日上午,在英國無人駕駛深水裝置“天蝎”的幫助下,幾天來一直被困堪察加半島附近海域水下190米處的俄羅斯AS-28小型潛艇終于擺脫纜索和漁網的束縛,順利浮出水面,7名乘員全部生還。救援工作至此圓滿結束。外電報道如下:The seven-man crew of a trapped Russian mini-submarine are back in port after a three-day ordeal at the bottom of the Pacific with dwindling oxygen.

Six of the seamen were taken to hospital for observation in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on the eastern coast of the Pacific peninsula of Kamchatka after arriving on board a rescue ship. The other man remained on board but it was not immediately clear why, the Associated Press reported.

"Today was a very happy event. The intensive work to free our submarine at a depth of 200 meters brought results... Our comrades in the crew opened the hatch themselves," said Admiral Viktor Fyodorov, commander of Russia's Pacific Fleet, according to Reuters.

Submarine作名詞表示“潛艇;潛水艇;海底生物”,作形容詞表示“水下的,海底的”,相關詞組有:a missile-launching submarine(導彈潛水艇);guided-missile submarine(導彈潛艇);a nuclear powered submarine(核潛艇);submarine tender(潛水艇供應船);submarine mine(水雷)等。



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