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The Departed《無間道風云》(精講之三)
[ 2007-06-09 09:49 ]

文化面面觀  Mafia 意大利黑手黨

考考你  乘熱打鐵


Costello: Do you know who I am?

Billy: No.

Costello: You met my friend Mr. French the other night.

Billy: Is his real name Mr. French?

Costello: No. Come with me. I'm not the cops. Not asking you. You know something? They just do not stop having the Maffia in Providence! And this can cause me a lot of problems. Those guys youtuned up, they're connected down Providence. What they're gonna do is come back with some guys and kill you. Which - as sure as you were born - they will do. Unless I stop them. Do you want me to stop 'em?

Billy: Is this something I can't do personally?

Costello: I'm gonna have my associate search you.

Billy: No! No one's fuckin' searchin' me. Searchin' me for what?

Costello: Contra-fuckin-band. Take your shoes off!

French: Shoes.

Costello: I knew your father.

Billy: Yeah? Do you know he's dead?

Costello: Oh sorry. How did he go?

Billy: He didn't complain.

Costello: Yeah, that was his problem.

Billy: Who said he had a problem?

Costello: I just said he had a fuckin' problem. He was a man who could have been anything.

Billy: Are you trying to say that he was nothing?

Costello: I'm sayin' he worked at the airport.

French: He'sclean.

Costello: Arm.

French: Yeah. Come on.

Costello: What fuckin' arm.

French: Show me your arm. Flip it.

Costello: Makes me curious to see you in this neighborhood.

French: He's clean.

Costello: And if I can slander my own environment. It makes me sad, this regression. Plus I don't know if it is beyond some fuckin' cop prick like Queenan to pull you out of the Staties and send you after me. I just can't know. I don't know what they do in that particular department anyway. Are you still a cop?

Billy: No! No!

Costello: Swear on your mother's grave! You're still not a cop?

Billy: No, I'm not a fuckin' cop! No!

Costello: Are you gonna stop doingcokedeals with your jerk-off fuckin' cousin?

Billy: Yes, yes, yes!

Costello: All right, all right, all right. You're ok, you'll be ok. Get your hand taken care of. I'm sorry. It was necessary.


1. Tune up

Tune up 的本意是"調音,調整,調節",這里引申為"惹到,教訓"。

2. Clean

Clean 在這里是個俚語,指的是"沒有攜帶隱藏起來的武器的"。作為俚語用時,它還可以表示"沒有攜帶隱藏的毒品的;無罪的;沒有毒癮的"。

3. Coke

我們常常聽到老美把可樂叫成coke,但這里的coke 可不是"可樂"的意思,它表示的是毒品的一種:可卡因(呈白色晶體狀,興奮作用強)。其它常見毒品的俚語表達有:

pills: 藥丸,但在俚語中指的是"安非他明",一種強力興奮劑
crack: 快克(一種經過高度化學提純的可卡因藥丸,通過玻璃煙管吸取,很容易使人上癮)
speed: 俚語里指"安非他明"
weed: 大麻

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