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[ 2010-01-21 13:53]     字號 [] [] []  
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諾亞方舟 Noah's Ark




Wilson: How were all these people chosen?

Anheuser: Same way your Art was. By experts from all over the world. We had geneticists determine the perfect gene pool we need to repopulate.

Adrian: These people were chosen by geneticists?

Notice: All green card holders. Please proceed to hangar D-4

Wilson: Looks to me like their check books got them on board.

Anheuser: That's right, Dr. Wilson. Without billions of dollars from the private sector this entire operation would've been impossible.

Adrian: We sold tickets? What about all these workers? They all get passes?

Anheuser: What? Life isn't fair? Is that it? If you want to donate your passes, to a couple of Chinese workers, be my guest. Captain, I want a pre-launch briefing. All international teams present.

Adrian: What the hell? What is this? They could've fit 10 people in here. Satnam, where are you?

Satnam: On the Nampan Plateau.

Adrian: What?

Satnam: There's a tidal wave coming from the east. It's gigantic.

Adrian: Satnam, what happened?

Satnam: We never got picked up, Adrian. The airlift never came. Goodbye, my friend.

Adrian: Satnam. Where are we set up?

Woman: Over there.

Adrian: Give me the satellite images from Napam, India.

Anheuser: What's happening?

Adrian: Satnam was talking about another wave, coming from the east.

Anheuser: Holy mother of God. So the flooding will hit earlier? The second wave is closer?

Adrian: Plug in the new data. Satnam didn't get picked up.

Man: What?

Anheuser: A lot of people didn't get picked up in this chaos. This is not a conspiracy, Helmsley. Your predictions haven't exactly panned out, have they, Doctor?

Man: It's ready.

Adrian: Oh God, its 1500 meters high. When will it get here?

Anheuser: Talk to me, Hemsley, when will it hit?

Adrian: Adjust the countdown. 28 minutes, 10 seconds to impact.

Anheuser: My God. Captain. I need to speak to the other heads of state.

Captain: Right away. Taylor?

Taylor: Aye, Captain. Standing by. Ark 6, stand by. Ark 7, stand by.

Anheuser: This is Carl Anheuser acting CIC on 4.

Sailor: Yes sir

Anheuser: Requesting emergency conference T-99.

Jackson: He thinks the world of you, you know that?

Gordon: He's a great little man.

Jackson: Yeah

Gordon: I always wanted to have a family of my own. You're a lucky man, Jackson. Don't ever forget it.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. gene pool: 基因庫,指的是某一物種的全部基因。

如果能破解genetic code(遺傳密碼),人們就可以使用gene therapy(基因療法)來治愈疾病。

我們常用pool來表示“資源庫”,例如talent pool(人才庫)、oil pool(油藏)、forex reserve pool(外匯儲備庫)等等,而car pool則是指“拼車”。

2. repopulate: 繁衍。

我們平時所說的“繁衍后代”就可以用repopulate the earth來表示。

3. hangar:飛機庫。

例如:The plane stopped in that big hangar. 飛機停在那個大機庫里。

4. check book:支票簿。

Check book money則是指“活期存款”,“支票存根”則用check book stubs來表示。

5. private sector:私營部門。

6. pass:通行證。

例如:Please show me your monthly bus pass.(請出示公共汽車月票。)

7.be my guest: 請便,隨便。

安豪塞的話在這里有諷刺的意味。平時我們說這句話常帶有“別客氣”的意思。例如:-May I use your telephone? -Be my guest.(我可以用一下電話嗎?別客氣,請便。)

8. tidal wave:浪潮,海嘯。

9. pan out:成功。

例如:It depends how things pan out.(那得看事情結果怎樣了。)

10.stand by: 待命。這里是說各個方舟已經準備好啟航了。

11.acting CIC: 代理指揮。


Acting在這里表示“代理的”,acting president就是指“代理總統”。

12.think the world of:欽佩,評價很高。這里,杰克遜是在和戈登說,諾亞很佩服他。

諾亞方舟 Noah's Ark


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