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Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之橋》精講之五

[ 2010-03-10 09:47]     字號 [] [] []  
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Jess's mother: Shh. Everybody tiptoe. OK, ready?

Jess's family: Happy birthday! (sing) Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Jess. Happy birthday to you!

Mom: Make a wish.

Jess's father&mother: Happy birthday!

Ellie: Yay!

May Belle: What'd you wish for?

Jess's father: This is cheap junk.

Jess: No, it isn't. I love it.

Jess's father: How? It doesn't even work.

Jess: I don't think we have the hang of it yet, Dad.

Jess's father: You know what? Keep the box. We'll see if we can take it back.

May Belle: Daddy, there's something in the greenhouse.

Jess's father: That's the last thing I need, some animal chewing, it's way in here.

Jess: What are you going to do if you catch it?

Jess's father: These vegetables are part of our livelihood. Can't afford to share them with animals that get in here.

Jess: So, you're gonna kill it?

Jess's father: Have to.

Jess: Well, he's not gonna get in here now, right, Dad?

Jess's father: Hope not. But if he does, you just let me deal with it.

Jess: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Jess's father: No, why don't you go on and do your homework, I'll clean this mess up.


Leslie: [Whispering] Under the seat. I heard it was your birthday yesterday. Like it?

Jess: Wow. It must've cost a fortune.

Leslie: What's it matter what it costs?

Jess: I don't know.

Leslie: Well, I can take it back and get a cheaper one, if you want.

Jess: Thanks... a lot.

May Belle: Jess and Leslie sitting in a tree...[continues muffled singing]

Jess: Look. The squogre and the vulture.

Gary: Hey, here he comes.

Leslie: And a guy who canstand up to a squogre is scared of a Hoager?

Jess: Ms. Edmunds?

Ms. Edmunds: [Gasps] He speaks.

Jess: Can I help you with those?

Ms. Edmunds: You sure can. And you just made my day. Great.

Leslie: I'll get that one.

Ms. Edmunds: Thank you.

Jess: Hey, guys.

Leslie: Oh, hi, boys.

Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之橋》精講之五

Jess: How come you're so good at that?

Leslie: Good at what?

Jess: Building stuff. You're good at it for a girl.

Leslie: Same way I'm fast... for a girl.

Jess: You know what I mean.

Leslie: You're pretty good at art... for a boy.

Jess: OK, OK, truce. Don't your parents notice any of these stuffs missing?

Leslie: Not when they're in the middle of writing a book.


Leslie: What's that? Show yourselves!

[Both scream]

Leslie: It's a giant troll!

Jess: No, it's a giant tree that almost killed us!

Leslie: You think that tree just fell all by itself? Come on. When the Dark Master saw the squogres weren't scaring us away, he sent a giant troll.

Jess: How big?

Leslie: That's how big its feet are.

Jess: You really think so?

Leslie: What else could it be?

Jess: What should we do?

Leslie: If we had a troll hunter, we could track its scent and sneak up on it.

Jess: Hey, look at that! Come on! I think it went that way!

Leslie: We rule Terabithia, and nothing crushes us!

Jess: I'll race you to the rope.

Jess: I love this place!

[Leslie laughs]

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. tiptoe: 踮起腳走;躡手躡腳地走。影片中全家人盡量走路不發出聲音是為了給Jess一個驚喜。看一下例子:He tiptoed quietly up the stairs.(他踮著腳輕輕走上樓梯。)

2. junk: <口> 蹩腳貨。junk還可以表示“破爛,垃圾,烏七八糟的東西,胡說八道”。例如:His latest book is junk.(他最近寫的那本書糟透了。)

3. hang: 用法;訣竅。例如:Don't worry! You'll soon get the hang of it.(別擔心!你很快就學會的。)

4. livelihood: 生計。影片中Jess的父親告訴Jess,為生計考慮,他不得不把偷吃蔬菜的動物殺死。請看例子:She earns a livelihood by sewing.(她靠縫紉謀生。)

5. It must've cost a fortune: 那一定花了你不少錢。

6. stand up to: 勇敢地面對。例如:Stand up to the bully and he won't dare to hurt you.(勇敢地面對那個混混,以后他就不敢再傷害你了。)

7. made sb.'s day: <口> 使某人的一天生色;使某人非常高興。例如:You have quite made my day by coming to see me.(承蒙你來看望我,使我一天的生活生色不少。)影片中Edmunds小姐看到一向沉默不語的Jess居然開口要幫忙,感到又驚又喜。

8. truce: 休戰;(煩惱、爭吵等的)中止,暫停。影片中Leslie不同意Jess認為的男生應該跑得比女生快的觀點,于是就反駁他,暗示女孩一般更擅長畫畫。Jess聞出火藥味,宣布“休戰”。看一下例子:The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.(熱天使這位老人暫時免受風濕病之苦。)

9. sneak up on sb.: 偷偷跟著某人。sneak up是“偷偷地走近”的意思。例如:sneak up on the enemies for a surprise attack(偷偷地挨近敵人實施突然襲擊)。sneak attack指的是“偷襲”。



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