Ben: My first year at art college was boring to say the least. But it helped me to appreciate the fundamentals of still life.
Mr. Jenkins: Well, don't just stare at it, Ben! Clean it up.
Ben: You see, I've always wanted to be a painter. And like many artists before me, the female form has always been a great source of inspiration. I've always been in awe of the power they unknowingly possess.
Mr. Jenkins: Are you going to clean them up or not?
Ben: There is an art to dealing with the boredom of an eight-hour shift. An art to putting your mind somewhere else while the seconds slowly tick away. I found that all the people working here had perfected their own individual art. Take Sharon Pintey. Sharon knows rule number one. The clock is the enemy. The basic rule is this: The more you look at the clock, the slower the time goes. It will uncover the hiding place of your mind and torture it with every second. This is the basic art in dealing with the trade of your time.
Sharon: Any cash back?
Ben: This is Barry Brickman. You see, Barry thinks of himself as a bit of a daredevil stuntman. For a start, Barry is quite well-known. When one of Barry's bike tricks went wrong, the cameraman put it on the internet. Barry has stuck to his scooter ever since. Matt Stephens is also a king scooterer. Barry had challenged matt to a scooter race in which they would sprint down one aisle and up the next. They would do all 14 aisles, and then back to the starting line. They had been waiting for the day the manager called in sick. The art of doing something else other than the work you're supposed to do is addictive. The excitement of doing something that you shouldn't be doing, along with the consequences if you're caught doing it, are so strong that it often pulls others away from their own art.
Sharon: On your marks, get set, go!
Matt & Barry: We got winded!
Ben: I hadn't slept in two weeks. My breakup with Suzy had left me with a sense that time had become unhinged. I drifted between imagination and reality, between past and present with increasing ease.
Mr. Jenkins: I feel like a real man. You like men. You like real men, don't you? When I'm out there in thekit, on the pitch with the boys, I look like a god, I'm an Adonis. I keep myself in good shape. I see the looks. I ignore them.
Ben: I feel the bolts of time slowly coming away from the breakup. Time manipulation is not a precise science. Like any art, it's personal to the individual. So what is the art in making my shift go so fast? I imagine the opposite. That time is frozen. (Everything frozen) I imagine the remote control for life has been paused. Within this frozen world, I'm able to walk freely and unnoticed. Nobody would even know that time had stopped. And when it started back up again, the invisible join would be seamless except for a slight shudder. Not unlike the feeling of somebody walking over your grave. That moment when you see someone walking down the street who is so beautiful you just can't help but stare...Well, imagine as I do, that with the world on pause it becomes very easy to understand the concept of beauty. To have it frozen in front of you. Captured. Unaware.
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. to say the least: 毫不夸張地說,至少可以說。看一下例子:
His conduct that evening was to say the least curious.
2. in awe of: 為……所傾倒,驚嘆于……。awe表示“敬畏,驚嘆”。請看例子:
The big tree is so imposing that it inspires awe.(這顆大樹雄偉得令人驚嘆。)
3. daredevil: 魯莽大膽的,蠻勇的。例如:daredevil driving(亡命開車)。daredevil也可以用作名詞,意思是“魯莽大膽的人,蠻勇的人”。
4. stuntman: (電影等中的)特技替身演員;特技表演者。
5. scooter: 滑板車。
6. sprint: 短距離快速奔跑;沖刺。例如:sprint for the finishing line(向終點線沖刺)。
7. call in sick: 打電話請病假。看一下例子:I don't feel well this morning. Perhaps I ought to call in sick.(我今天早晨有點不舒服。恐怕得打電話去請病假。)
8. wind: 使氣急,使呼吸困難。請看例子:He was winded by the time he reached the sixth floor.(他爬到七層樓時已上氣不接下氣了。)
9. unhinge: 擾亂。例如:unhinge a plan(擾亂計劃)。unhinge也可以表示“使(人或思想)失去平衡,使錯亂,使失常”。例如:He looked a little unhinged.(他看上去有點精神失常。)
10. kit: 全套衣服及裝備。get your kit off就是“把你的衣服脫掉”。
11. pitch: <主英> 足球場。
12. Adonis: 希臘神話中的美少年阿多尼斯。影片中Jenkins不停地向Sharon吹噓自己,希望博得Sharon的好感。
13. join: 接合點;接連處。看一下例子:The joins can hardly be seen.(接縫幾乎看不出來。)
14. seamless: 無(接)縫的;(兩部份之間)無空隙的,不停頓的。