伊拉克特別法庭13日公布伊前總統薩達姆接受法官訊問的最新錄像。薩達姆被控于1982年在什葉派城鎮杜杰勒處決至少50名伊拉克人,以報復其刺殺未遂行動。外電報道如下:The tribunal that will put Saddam Hussein on trial released a video Monday showing the 68-year-old former president - looking drawn and tired but dressed in a pinstriped suit - being questioned about the killings of at least 50 Iraqis in a Shiite town.
Unlike Saddam's combative appearance at his arraignment on July 1, 2004 - the last time he was seen on video - the new tape reveals a man who appears a shadow of his former self.
There are heavy bags under his eyes. He often clasps his hands and squeezes his fingers - often clutching them together when trying to make a point. His hair appears unkempt and he constantly runs his hand down his face and through his beard, which has more gray flecks in it than it did a year ago.
Question的名詞用法為“問題,疑問”,在上文中體現的是該詞的動詞用法,即“詢問,審問,懷疑”。例如:The police questioned/interrogated the prisoner.(警察盤問/審訊囚犯。)I questioned the teacher about the work she had given us.(我就老師給我們留的作業向她詢問。)