6月21日,美國密西西比州地方法院判決今年80歲的前三K黨成員埃德加·雷·克林犯有殺人罪,因為他于1964年6月21日伙同幾名同伴截住三名民權運動工人,一番毆打之后,又極其殘忍地將他們射殺。這標志著密西西比州正努力補償其血腥、充滿種族主義仇殺的過去。外電報道如下:Forty-one years to the day after three civil rights workers were beaten and shot to death, an 80-year-old former Ku Klux Klansman was found guilty of manslaughter Tuesday in a trial that marked Mississippi's latest attempt to atone for its bloodstained, racist past.
The jury of nine whites and three blacks took less than six hours to clear Edgar Ray Killen of murder but convict him of the lesser charges in the 1964 killings that galvanized the struggle for equality and helped bring about passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Atone表示“賠償,補償,彌補”,如例句:Blood must atone for blood. (血債要用血來償。)