請看相關報道:US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke,barragedwith lawmakers' questions on Thursday over rising foreign ownership of U.S. assets, played down fears that China held enough dollars to endanger the U.S. economy.
Barrage作為名詞時,本義是"攔河壩、堰或炮火掩護"的意思,引申義是"a large number of questions ,etc., made at almost the same time or very quickly one after the other"(連珠炮似的問題或說話)。barrage作為動詞使用時,本義是"direct a barrage at"(以密集的火力進攻)。
上文中用的是barrage這個詞的動詞引申義,可以解釋為"direct a concentrated outpouring, as of missiles or words, at something or someone",舉個例子:barrage the speaker with questions,就可以翻譯為"接二連三地向演講者提出問題"。bombard和shower也可以這樣使用,這么說很地道也很生動,會為文章增色。