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15 things you might not know about Michelle Obama
[ 2008-08-27 09:22 ]



Michelle Obama

1. As a child, she loved girlie stuff like her Easy Bake Oven and Barbie (she had the car and the house, too).

2. When it comes to television, she's a fan of Sex in the City, The Sopranos and HGTV.

3. Her favorite author: Toni Morrison

4. Her father, Fraser Robinson, a former boxer, suffered from multiple sclerosis from age 30. He was a Democratic precinct captain and worked at the city water filtration plant in Chicago. Although he met and liked Barack, he died in 1991, a year before the Obamas were married.

5. As a kid, she alternated days doing dish-washing duty with her big brother, Craig. It was also her job to clean the bathroom every Saturday.

6. She skipped second grade.

7. She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.

8. She's a 1985 cum laude graduate of Princeton University, where she shared a room with three other women and had to walk down three flights of stairs to get to the bathroom.

9. She graduated from Harvard Law School in 1988 and was hired by the blue chip law firm Sidley & Austin in Chicago, where she specialized in marketing and intellectual property law. She was picked to be the adviser to a summer associate, Barack Obama.

10. She doesn't wearpantyhose because they always rip; she says it's difficult to find ones that fit her 5-foot-11 frame.

11.The Rev. Jesse Jackson's daughter, Santita, sang at her wedding. They're childhood friends.

12. As a newlywed, she gave up corporate law and took a huge pay cut to open the Chicago office of Public Allies, part of former President Clinton's AmeriCorps, which helped young people to enter public service work.

13. She sits on six boards, including the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, which her daughters, Sasha and Malia, attend.

14. In a job interview with University of Chicago Hospitals, she brought along baby daughter Sasha (now 7) because she couldn't find a baby sitter. She got the job.

15. She likes predawn workouts and held outdoor jump-rope clinics at her house for her daughter's ballet class.





1. 小時候,她就喜歡簡易烤爐、芭比(以及芭比的車和小房子)之類小女孩的玩具。

2. 說到電視,她可是《欲望都市》、黑道家族以及“居家頻道”的粉絲。

3. 她最喜歡的作家是托妮?莫里森。

4. 她的父親弗里澤?羅賓遜以前是拳擊手,30歲以后就一直深受多處硬化癥的折磨。他曾是民主黨選區區長,在芝加哥市水過濾廠工作。他見過巴拉克,而且很喜歡他,可惜他在1991年就去世了,一年后奧巴馬才和米歇爾結婚。

5. 小時候,她與哥哥克雷格輪流洗碗。每周六她還要清掃衛生間。

6. 她是從一年級直接跳到三年級的。

7. 她曾就讀于芝加哥第一所精英高中——惠特尼楊高中。她當時是學生會的會計、國家榮譽協會成員,而且連續四年都是三好學生。

8. 她是1985年普林斯頓大學的優秀畢業生。那時候,她和另外三個女人同居一室,去洗手間還得下三層樓梯。

9. 1988年,她從哈佛大學法學院畢業,之后就職于芝加哥最好的盛德律師事務所,專攻市場法和知識產權法。她曾經被選為暑期咨詢助理巴拉克?奧巴馬的指導老師。

10. 她從來不穿連褲襪,因為那種褲襪很容易被刮破;她說要找到一雙適合她5.11英尺身材的連褲襪實在太難了。

11. 杰西?杰克遜牧師(譯者注:美國黑人民權領袖)的女兒桑蒂塔在她的婚禮上獻歌。她們是童年時代的朋友。

12. 結婚不久,她放下之前從事的公司法業務,轉而開辦了收入大不如前的芝加哥公眾聯盟辦公室,這個辦公室是美國義工團的一部分。前總統克林頓發起組建了該團體以幫助年輕人投身公眾服務工作。

13. 她是六個董事會的董事,其中包括她的兩個女兒薩莎和馬莉婭就讀的芝加哥附屬實驗學校。

14. 她曾因為找不到保姆而帶著年幼的女兒薩莎(現在7歲)去芝加哥大學醫院參加面試。后來她得到了那份工作。

15. 她喜歡晨練。為了讓女兒上好芭蕾課,她還特意在家辦了個戶外跳繩保健中心。

(實習生吳昭文 英語點津Helen編輯)


pantyhose: 褲襪

The Rev. Jesse Jackson:Rev.是Reverend縮寫形式,用作對許多基督教堂中某些神職人員的稱號及敬稱形式。在正式用法中,前面加 the。Jesse Jackson,美國著名黑人民權運動領袖。


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