A three-day-old baby boy, weighing 8.7-kilograms (19.2-pounds) left, lays next to a standard size newborn baby at a hospital in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009. An Indonesian woman gave birth to the 62-centimeter (24.4 inches) long unnamed baby boy by caesarean section on Sept. 21. He is the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country, a doctor said.(Agencies)
An Indonesian woman has given birth to an 8.7-kilogramme (19.2-pound) baby boy, the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country, a doctor said Wednesday. The baby, who is still unnamed and is 62 centimetres (24.4 inches) long, was born by caesarean section Monday at a public hospital in North Sumatra province, a gynaecologist who took part in the operation told reporters. "This heavy baby made the surgery really tough, especially the process of taking him out of his mum's womb. His legs were so big," Binsar Sitanggang said. The boy is in a healthy condition despite having to initially be given oxygen to overcome breathing problems, the gynaecologist said. "He's got strong appetite, every minute, it's almost non-stop feeding," he said. "This baby boy is extraordinary, the way he's crying is not like a usual baby. It's really loud." The boy's massive size was likely the result of his mother, Ani, 41, having diabetes, Sitanggang said. She had to be rushed to hospital due to complications with the pregnancy, which had reached nine months. The baby, her fourth, was the only child not delivered by a traditional midwife. When a diabetic mother's glucose level is high during pregnancy, the baby can receive too much glucose and grow too large, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Indonesia's previous heaviest baby, weighing in at 6.9 kilos, was born in 2007 on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta, according to the Indonesian Museum of Records website. 點擊查看更多雙語新聞
據印度尼西亞當地一家醫院的一名醫生本周三介紹,當地一名婦女日前產下一名重達8.7公斤(19.2鎊)的男嬰,成為印尼有記載以來最重的新生兒。 一名參加手術的婦產科醫生告訴記者,這名男嬰于本周一在北蘇門答臘省的一家公立醫院通過剖腹產出生。他出生時身長62厘米(24.4英寸),目前其父母尚未給他起名。 賓薩爾?西坦甘醫生說:“因為孩子體積很大,所以整個手術相當困難,尤其是將他從他媽媽的子宮里取出來的過程。他的腿太粗壯了。” 這名醫生說,盡管這名男嬰剛出生時需要吸氧以克服呼吸困難,但現在他的健康狀況良好。 他說:“他的胃口很大,幾乎需要喂個不停。” “這個孩子很特別,哭起來和普通嬰兒也不一樣。他的哭聲異常響亮。” 西坦甘說,這名男嬰之所以這么大,很可能與其母患糖尿病有關。生下這名巨嬰的婦女名叫阿妮,今年41歲。 由于妊娠期并發癥,阿妮懷孕九個月時就被緊急送往了醫院。這個男嬰是她的第四個孩子,也是唯一一個不是順產所生的孩子。 據美國婦產科醫學院介紹,如果一名患糖尿病的母親在懷孕期間血糖水平較高,那么嬰兒就會吸收過多的糖分從而長得過大。 據印度尼西亞紀錄博物館網站記載,此前印尼最重的嬰兒于2007年出生在首都雅加達的郊區,重達6.9公斤。 相關閱讀 (英語點津陳丹妮 姍姍編輯) |
Vocabulary: caesarean section: a surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus 剖腹生產術,剖腹產 gynaecologist: a specialist in gynecology 婦科醫生 glucose: a monosaccharide sugar found in plant and animal tissues 葡萄糖 |