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Asian fusion will be the fashion theme when APEC leaders including US President Barack Obama appear for a traditional group picture at their Singapore summit next month, organisers said Wednesday. The 20 male leaders will sport long-sleeved linen shirts with mandarin collars, a style inspired by the blend of Chinese, Malay and Indian culture found in Singapore. They can choose from blue, red or green variants. Philippine President Gloria Arroyo, the only female leader, will wear a V-necked blouse in red silk with elaborate embroidery and lace. They are all made by Singaporean designer Wykidd Song, whose creations have been sold at Harrods and Selfridges in London and Barneys in New York. The annual APEC summit photo session has seen some of the world's most powerful politicians dressed in a variety of costumes, from calf-length silk tunics in Hanoi in 2006 and leather bomber jackets in Seattle in 1993 to Peruvian ponchos in Lima last year. The host nation dictates the theme, with mixed results reflecting the variety of body shapes, heights and fashion sense of the leaders. "For Singapore, we wanted something reflective of what kind of host we are and what kind of country we are," said trade ministry official Koh Lin-Net, chairwoman of the APEC Singapore 2009 organising committee. "It must be so comfortable that they would want to wear it again," she said at a media briefing. (Read by Chantal Anderson. Chantal Anderson is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.) 點擊查看更多雙語新聞
亞太經合組織(APEC)峰會將于下月在新加坡舉行,據峰會組織者于本周三透露,今年,包括美國總統奧巴馬在內的與會APEC領導人拍“全家福”所穿的服裝將以展現亞洲多元文化為主題。與會領導人拍集體照是APEC峰會的一項傳統。 屆時,與會的20位男性領導人將穿中式領的長袖亞麻襯衫,這一風格結合了中國、馬來西亞和印度三國的服裝特色,并有藍、紅、綠三種顏色供選擇。 菲律賓總統格洛麗亞?阿羅約將是唯一一位與會的女性領導人,屆時她會穿上V字領的繡有精美圖案和花邊的紅色絲綢襯衫。 此次峰會領導人的服裝由新加坡設計師宋偉杰設計,他設計的服裝在倫敦的哈羅斯百貨公司、塞弗里奇百貨公司和紐約的巴尼斯精品店均有售。 每年APEC峰會領導人拍合照所穿的服裝風格各異,各具特色。2006年的河內峰會是過膝真絲長袍,1993年的西雅圖峰會是短款皮夾克,去年的利馬峰會是秘魯長披風。 每年服裝的主題風格由峰會主辦國指定,但領導人可根據自己的體型、身高和時尚偏好選擇具體的顏色和樣式。 新加坡“2009 APEC”組委會主席、貿易部官員許琳聶說:“對于新加坡而言,我們希望通過服裝反映出我們是怎樣的東道主和我們國家的特色。” 她在一個媒體發布會上說:“這些衣服很舒服,領導人們以后一定還會想再穿。” 相關閱讀(英語點津陳丹妮 姍姍編輯) |
Vocabulary: sport: to wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner 惹人注目地穿戴(Summer or winter he sports a white suit. 不論冬夏,他都惹人注目地穿著一身白色西服。) calf-length: (衣服,褲裙等)齊腿肚子的 tunic: any of a variety of loose fitting cloaks extending to the hips or knees 長袍 bomber jacket: a short jacket finishing at the waist with an elasticated band, usually having a zip front and cuffed sleeves (腰、袖口收緊的)短夾克 poncho: a blanketlike cloak having a hole in the center for the head 南美披風(南美人穿的一種毛氈外套,中間開有領口,穿時從頭部套入) |