TOKYO --?More than 20 Chinese universities and high schools including the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shenzhen University, set up booths at the Waseda University Sunday to attract Japanese students at the ninth exhibition of studying in China.
The show, jointly organized by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) and the Japan-China Culture Community Center, was aimed to update the information about studying in China and help facilitate the bilateral exchange in education.
Zhou Ni, a teacher with the Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College said the Japanese students made up almost a half of foreign students in her university this year, and the number of Japanese students who showed interest in her college at the exhibition was better than expected.
A student surnamed Yamada with the Musashino University in Tokyo said she planned to pursue her postgraduate study in Shanghai, partly because the cost was much less there.
The flow of Japanese youths who choose to study in China has been steady in recent years. In 2009, the number of foreign students coming to China for further study amounted to 230,000, about 15,000 of whom were Japanese. The figure ranked only after those of South Korea and the United States.