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Direct shipping services between Taiwan's Matsu and Mawei in mainland China
Updated: 2010-04-19

Direct shipping services are established on a daily basis between Taiwan's Matsu and Mawei in China's Fujian province.

Matsu, which is administered by the Lienjiang county government, is one of Taiwan's two outlying islands opened for the "mini three links" with China -- transportation, postal services and trade.

Ferries between Matsu and Mawei in China currently run six days a week with the exception of Saturdays.

Specific timetable

  From Mawei to Matsu From Matsu to Mawei
Monday 9:30 am  14:00 am 
 Tuesday 9:30 am &  14:30 am 9:00 am & 14:00 am
 Wednesday 9:30 am  14:00 am  
 Thursday 9:30 am  14:00 am  
 Friday 9:30 am &  14:30 am 9:00 am & 14:00 am
 Sunday 9:30 am &  14:30 am 9:00 am & 14:00 am