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Jiading company hones in on automotive data security

( english.jiading.gov.cn ) 2022-07-04

The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) and a subsidiary company of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) with headquarters in Shanghai's Jiading district recently formed the Data Security Initiative (DSI) automotive working group to investigate data security system building, research, promotion, and solutions in the automotive industry.

The DSI automotive working group received over 60 applications from companies, and over 30 of those companies were accepted as members.

In-vehicle data, driving trajectories, roadside information, and cloud-processed data are all significant components of the internet of vehicles (IoV), which has implications for national cyberspace security and traffic safety. Data security governance is therefore a challenging issue, according to Sun Lufei, chief marketing officer of the CETC subsidiary company in Juyuan New Area.

The company has been partnering with CAICT in the IoV and hopes to continue to contribute to the development of Jiading's automobile industry.

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