Reward Policy for Newly Introduced Projects
Updated: 2014-05-17 11:07
? Support will be provided for enterprises with newly introduced projects that play an outstanding role in promoting industrial development, feature high technology and have bright market prospects. The project’s investment amount should be more than 100 million yuan ($16.03 million). The fund will be no more than 70 percent of the enterprise’s actual investment assets (not including plants, facilities and early stage investment). The fund will be realized gradually according to the construction schedule agreed in the investment agreement.
? Investors who build professional sub-parks (non-industrial), headquarter economic zones and special function urban complexes in the development zone will obtain funds no more than 20 percent of actual investment assets (not including plants, facilities and early stage investment expenditure) that will be realized gradually according to the construction schedule in the investment agreement.
? Projects with intellectual property, high technology and bright development prospects?which are included in the zone’s incubator will get support of less than 50 percent of house rent.
? "Zero cost" for enterprise registration Administrative expenses for enterprise registration will be paid by the zone. Capital verification fee for foreign and domestic projects with 100 million yuan (included) of paid-in investment will be subsidized by the zone.