

Beware these tourist traps in China

Updated: 2014-04-28 16:30 (bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

vf84tcat (US)

I am an American. Several years ago I was returning from a work trip in Thailand and decided to stop in Beijing for a few days before going on to Washington. I had never seen the Great Wall and wanted to have that experience.

The tour was great. But afterwards the tour guide insisted on taking me to a small pottery plant. There a lady took me on another tour showing how craftsmen made hand-painted copper pottery. She then took me to the show room to see which item I wanted to buy. I hadn’t planned to buy anything. She applied some gentle but distinct pressure to buy “something”. Wanting to look like a respectful American I said what the heck and selected a small copper vase. It turned out to be about 5,400 yuan ($800). I later discovered this to be a massive rip-off that was basically designed for Westerners. They would never attempt to charge Chinese or other Asian countries this much.

Beware these tourist traps in China

Beware these tourist traps in China  Beware these tourist traps in China Beware these tourist traps in China
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The original piece:http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-810108-1-1.html

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