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THE WEEK April 6: Big money

Updated: 2012-04-06 17:30

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Who won the lottery?

It's a dream most of us share but will likely never come true: becoming instantly rich. Last week in the United States, the lottery jackpot reached a historic high of $656 million (about 4.1 billion yuan). The winning numbers were announced Friday, and one woman, a McDonald's employee from the state of Maryland, claimed to have one of three winning tickets. She became a media sensation when she came forward to the press, but she hasn't been able to prove she has the ticket.

You won...Not!

A lottery jackpot this big makes it easy to pull a prank on your friends. Plus, did you know you're more likely to get struck by lighting than win the lottery?

Expired food auction

Auction halls are typically a place where people gather to bid on rare or antique items. But the items at an auction in the state of Pennsylvania are a different kind of antique. Each week, residents from around the northeastern United States attend an auction to bid on expired food. In such rough economic times, the bidders say the expired foods can save them money and that the food is not that bad. I think most people would disagree, like this guy.

Playing with water

Last week, we heard a story about the dangers of text messaging while walking near water. There are other things you should avoid doing near water, such as modeling, riding a bike or playing golf. But during a practice round for The Masters golf tournament this week, pro golfer Martin Kaymer proved the water hazards are no big deal.

This wacky world!

Federal agents in the US raided Oaksterdam University in California - a school devoted to teaching students how to grow marijuana - even though it is legal to grow in that state. I wonder what happens to all of that left over pot.

A US company called Celestis is launching a new space burial program. People can shoot a lipstick-sized capsule filled with the ash remains of a loved one into orbit as a memorial. That reminds me of Spock's funeral in Star Trek.

After their team won the national collegiate basketball championship, basketball fans from the University of Kentucky did what a lot of excited fans seem to do these days. They staged a riot. Let's hope this rioting isn't a global trend developing just in time for the Olympics.

THE WEEK April 6: Big money

THE WEEK April 6: Big money
Director: Lin Hanqing Graphic Design: Zhang Xiao
Videographer: Cong Ruiting Producer: Chris Clark & Clark Cahill
Managing Producer: Christie Lee Executive Producer: Flora Yue
THE WEEK April 6: Big money
If we used your photo on the show, let us know. Contact: liqiao@chinadaily.com.cn
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