

Do not assume he is crazy

By Phillip Alder ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-09-19 11:07:16

Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist who won a Nobel Prize in 1922, said, "Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."

At the bridge table, do not assume your opponent is crazy. This deal occurred during a social game in which South was the strongest player.

After South opened two clubs, and West overcalled two spades, North wanted to make a penalty double. But system dictated that he bid two no-trump to show three "controls," either three kings or an ace and a king. After three natural bids, North control-bid (cue-bid) four spades to show that ace and a hand suitable for play in diamonds. He realized that his singleton king was at least as valuable as two low cards-and here the diamond king was much more valuable than the spade king would have been.

Then West, who did not like the sound of the auction, crazily doubled. South, knowing what he was doing, happily redoubled.

West considered leading the club ace, hoping his partner had a singleton, but decided North-South would have mentioned the suit with a nine-card fit. So West led the spade king.

The declarer ruffed in his hand, played a diamond to dummy's king, ruffed another spade, drew trumps, and led his club king. West won, but South had the rest. He claimed 1,930 points, including 100 points for honors.


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