
Charger captures power from Wifi


2010-11-22 14:08

A US electronics company invented a charger that draws its power from Wifi signals, according to TGDaily.com.

The Airnergy Charger, developed by RCA Corp, can convert ambient Wifi signals floating around in the air into energy, which it stores in its own lithium battery. It can then power up electronic devices via a mini-USB connector.

The device is expected to go on sale for about $40, according to TGDaily.

RCA is also looking at incorporating it into batteries that could be used in devices themselves, so that gadgets could charge themselves without any user intervention, the TGDaily reported.

Charger captures power from Wifi

[Photo / dvice.com?]

Charger captures power from Wifi

[Photo / trendsupdates.com] 

Charger captures power from Wifi

[Photo / trendsupdates.com]

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