
Focus on Reform

As a major part of the country's political institution, the NPC and the CPPCC, have more than 100 billionaire representatives who are on the Hurun China Rich List.

Accelerating and expanding reform initiatives was the main focus at the annual session of the CPPCC 12th National Committee, China's top political advisory body, which concluded on Wednesday in Beijing.

Securities watchdog aims to further internationalize nation's markets

Former minister says China's national healthcare system has to be affordable.

President Xi Jinping has urged Anhui province, which spearheaded land reform in 1978 that broke up the previous commune-style collective farming, to actively deepen reforms in the area.

Chinese authorities must respect the Constitution and laws when carrying out the country's grand reform plan, said a senior official with the top legislature here on Sunday.

President Xi Jinping Thursday encourages Guangdong province to speed up building modern market economy and transforming government functions.

President Xi Jinping pushes for more bold moves in the Shanghai free trade zone, and for ways to replicate the system's success across the nation.

China's top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng Tuesday stressed further reform to provide high-quality and equal education service for the people.

Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli on Tuesday called to speed up public hospital reforms and support medical services run by social capital.

China's top legislature will offer legal support as the country deepens reform in a comprehensive manner, a spokeswoman for the annual session of National People's Congress said here Tuesday.

China's top political advisory body pledge on Monday to further efforts to contribute to the country's reforms in a comprehensive manner.

The second session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's 12th National Committee, has got off to a quick start.

The upcoming parliamentary session in Beijing could offer a peek at how China plays out a delicate balancing act between honoring its promise to reform the country's outdated growth model and guiding the economy through headwinds.

China's top political adviser Yu Zhengsheng pledged on Monday to further efforts to comprehensively deepen the country's reforms.

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