
2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily獨家



2014-06-23 13:13:25




據《衛報》報道,周四晚間,在紐卡斯爾的英格蘭球迷看到蘇亞雷斯( Luis Suarez)為烏拉圭射進一球后的第一反應。酒吧里聚集的人們,為英格蘭在本屆世界杯上的欠佳表現而懊惱傷神。

When Phil Harrow drowned his sorrows following the Costa Rica victory that sent England home from the World Cup on Friday, he had to drink deeper than most fans. Gone were not just his dreams of football honours, but his plans for the much-vaunted supporters' song he wrote with his brother, Richard.

周五,英格蘭負于哥斯達黎加,結束了本屆世界杯之旅,菲爾·哈羅(Phil Harrow)借酒消愁愁更愁。英格蘭夢碎巴西世界杯,與此同時,哈羅與哥哥理查德(Richard)計劃為球迷寫歌的心愿也泡湯了。

"I put everything into this, for all the right reasons," said Harrow, who is from north London. "I believed it was the passionate, patriotic thing to do."


His song Hope & Glory/The Eve of War was created in collaboration with Jeff Wayne, the creator of 1970s concept album War of the Worlds, at a cost of £30,000, and features the voice of actor Andy Serkis in a stirringly reworded rendition of one its best known tracks. Recorded at Abbey Road studios, it was billed as a rank outsider at first, yet had rapidly threatened to overtake Rik Mayall's posthumously popular offering as the nation's favourite World Cup song.

《希望與榮耀》和《決戰之夜》是哈羅與概念專輯《世界大戰》(War of the Worlds)的導演杰夫·韋恩合作的音樂,耗資3萬英鎊,其中安迪·瑟金斯(Andy Serkis)翻唱了自己早期的知名作品,其嗓音頗具亮點。錄音在阿比路(Abbey Road)的音樂室完成,這些起初不被看好的曲子卻一躍成為全英上下最火爆的世界杯歌曲,比著名諧星里克·梅奧爾(Rik Mayall)去世的噩耗還奪人眼球。

Harrow, of course, is not alone in his loss. The country's publicans and retailers are also grieving over hundreds of millions of pounds of lost sales as the football feelgood factor leaks away from the high street.


"There are thousands of publicans around the country weeping into empty beer glasses," said media commentator Mark Borkowski. "It's the people who benefit from the mood of the nation that are licking their wounds: the myriad who work in hospitality and the big supermarkets with their barbecue promotions. I'm pretty sure there's a warehouse somewhere in Hendon full of cheap plastic hats and inflatable Spitfires that were ready to be rushed out to market stalls around the country."

“全國各地得有多少酒店老板對著空空的酒杯黯然淚下啊,”媒體評論員馬克·博爾科夫斯基(Mark Borkowski)說道。“正是那些本該從全民足球熱潮中受益的人群傷得最深:大量服務行業以及促銷烤肉的超市。我相信在亨頓的某個倉庫里肯定堆滿了廉價的塑料帽子和充氣玩具,本來隨時有可能售往全國各地。

Ahead of the tournament one report calculated that every goal scored by England was worth £200m to the retail and leisure industry. Early signs had pointed to a bonanza, with official data showing retail spending rising at the fastest pace in almost a decade. According to the Office for National Statistics, sales in sports shops during May were nearly 30% higher than last year.

世界杯之前就有一位記者估計,英格蘭每進一個球將會為零售業及娛樂產業帶去價值2億英鎊的收益。官方數據顯示零售消費在過去短短10年間飛速增長,這是個好兆頭。國家統計局(Office for National Statistics)指出,體育用品商店今年五月的銷售額與上一年同比增長近30%。

At the start of last week, when hopes were high, JD Sports told the City that its World Cup-related sales were so good it daren't publish them for fear of "misleading" investors. Now JD must count the cost of lost sales and overstocks, like market leader Sports Direct, which enjoyed a sales boost in 2010 when England made it to the knockout stage.

上周伊始球迷們的熱情還相當高漲的時候,英國著名運動時尚零售公司JD Sports宣稱其世界杯相關產品十分暢銷,以至于不敢推出新品以防“誤導”投資商。如今,JD Sports不得不清算天價損失與積壓的庫存。曾在2010年因英格蘭進入淘汰賽階段而收獲巨額利潤的英國最大體育用品零售商Sports Direct也是如此。

Other retailers had also flagged World Cup boosts, with John Lewis showing a sharp weekly rise in demand for TVs, while sister chain Waitrose saw beer sales jump by 50%. Its barbecue meat sales almost doubled too, while sales of salads were up more than a third. "England's exit is definitely bad news for retailers," said Kantar Retail analyst Bryan Roberts. "It will have a discernible impact on shopping behaviour and there will have to be a lot of clearance activity on football tat."

其他零售商也損失慘重,倫敦百貨商店約翰劉易斯(John Lewis)在短短一周內電視機銷量激增,其連鎖店維特羅斯(Waitrose)的啤酒銷量飆升了50%。在烤肉營業額翻倍的同時,沙拉也突破了三分之一。“英格蘭過早出局對零售商來說無疑是晴天大霹靂,”凱度零售咨詢(Kantar Retail)分析師布賴恩·羅伯茨(Bryan Roberts)說道。“這會對購買行為產生顯著的影響,后續還會有相關的促銷活動。”

VoucherCodes.co.uk, which came up with the £200m-a-goal figure, said consumers would have spent as much as £1bn overall if England had got beyond the group stage. "England's devastating loss to Uruguay broke the hearts of millions of fans, and it's certainly disappointing to our retail and leisure industry too," said Claire Davenport, its managing director.

英國一家優惠券網站VoucherCodes.co.uk稱,若英格蘭成功出線,消費額將多達10億英鎊。“在與烏拉圭的對陣中,英格蘭的慘敗令球迷們心碎,也令我們的零售業以及娛樂產業大失所望,”網站總經理克萊爾·達文波特(Claire Davenport)說道。

The competition was predicted to deliver a more than 5% boost to UK advertising revenue, fuelled by spending on the special, although now less appealing, adverts fronted by England stars such as goalkeeper Joe Hart, who appeared for Gillette, Doritos and Head & Shoulders, and Wayne Rooney, who turned out for Samsung. The 2010 World Cup delivered a big fillip for ITV, but, after England's poor showing, that is unlikely this time.

按照預期,競爭將刺激超過5%的廣告收入,廣告商們面對的是英格蘭球星,例如為吉列公司(Gillette),立體脆(Doritos)以及海飛絲(Head & Shoulders)代言的門將喬·哈特(Joe Hart)以及三星公司(Samsung)品牌代言人魯尼(Wayne Rooney)。2010年世界杯為英國獨立電視臺(ITV)帶去巨大收益,現在恐怕今非昔比了,畢竟英格蘭在本屆世界杯的表現不盡人意。

"If England had gone through there would have been a lot of advertising money for retail, be it for pizza, barbecues, anything you can think of to entertain yourself," said Chris Locke, group trading director of Starcom MediaVest Group.

“要是英格蘭表現出色的話,零售商的廣告收益將不可估量,無論是比薩餅還是烤肉,總之是一切你能想到的犒勞自己的東西,”Starcom MediaVest Group集團銷售主管克里斯·洛克(Chris Locke)說道。

That spending he says, will now dry up: "People who haven't already committed to ads and have kept the budget to the side of the table will probably not spend that now."


(譯者 拉風_悅 編輯 齊磊)



What are some of the teams one should look out for during the tournament, and more importantly, who will win the most prestigious trophy in the sport of English football? >詳細>>

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