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Sherlock Holmes, Unlikely Style Icon
This lasting fashion legacy is all the more extraordinary considering how stingy Conan Doyle was with descriptions of dress. Our image of Holmes comes almost entirely from his illustrator, Sidney Paget, whose elegant, angular prototype influenced every incarnation thereafter. Though he didn’t always share them with readers, however, Conan Doyle clearly had firm ideas about Holmes’s appearance; he once protested that a poster for the 1899 play Sherlock Holmesmade the detective look “about five feet high” and “badly dressed.” And Timothy Long, the Museum of London’s fashion curator, points out that Conan Doyle used a “lost language” of fashion. “The modern audience reading these stories often overlooks clues that were very obvious to contemporary readers,” he says. “Putting Watson in a morning coat or a frock coat indicated the time of day, for example.” |
夏洛克風格的時尚傳奇源自柯南·道爾對服飾細節近乎苛刻的描摹。我們對福爾摩斯形象的認知幾乎全都來自西德尼·佩吉特(Sidney Paget)的插圖。他畫筆下的福爾摩斯原型優雅、消瘦,影響了此后每一個福爾摩斯形象的創作。盡管柯南·道爾不常與讀者交換意見,但他顯然對福爾摩斯的形象有自己的理解。他曾對1899年舞臺劇《夏洛克·福爾摩斯》海報中的夏克洛形象提出異議,稱海報中的福爾摩斯看上去只有“約5英尺高”(1.524米),并且“衣著邋遢”。倫敦博物館時尚策展人蒂莫西·朗(Timothy Long)指出,柯南·道爾在書中用了很多有關時尚的“暗語”。“現代讀者在讀福爾摩斯時,常會忽略那些對作者同時代讀者來說顯而易見的線索。比如,作者描寫華生穿的是晨禮服還是長禮服,其實就已經暗示了時間。”
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