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Deadpool most pirated film of 2016 ahead of Batman v Superman
2016年被網友盜版下載最多的電影是哪部? 答案就是20世紀??怂钩銎返穆碾娪啊端朗獭贰饷綀蟮?,去年上映的超級英雄電影--《死侍》拿下了非常漂亮的票房成績:全球票房7.83多億美元,這使得它成為了有史以來票房最高的R級片,并且它還獲得了兩項金球獎提名,可以說是口碑、票房雙豐收。
Foulmouthed, pansexual, and highly meta, Deadpool might be the outlier in superhero terms, but he is also the star of the most pirated movie of 2016, according to figures compiled by filesharing news site TorrentFreak.
According to the site, precise figures are not available because, in the current reporting environment, it is more challenging to monitor downloads. But it says its estimates are based on several sources, including public BitTorrent trackers.
TorrentFreak says pirated versions of Deadpool emerged shortly before the films cinema release in February, and illegal downloads number in the millions. The film scored over $783m at the global box office.
Two more high-performing superhero films occupied second and third spots, with the popularity of Batman v Superman and Captain America: Civil War appearing to conform to the presumed comic-book sensibilities of torrent users. The former was released in March 2016, the latter in April.
Two more comic-book adaptations X-Men Apocalypse?and Suicide Squad also feature on the list.
The appetite for pirated films also appeared to run along box-office lines, although videogame adaptation Warcraft and Independence Day: Resurgence performed relatively poorly at the box office (with, respectively, $386m and $389m globally), suggesting that piracy could have taken a significant bite out of revenues for both films.
The Revenant, at No 10 on the list, was notoriously posted on the internet before its release by former film studio employee William Kyle Morarity, who was convicted and fined $1.12m in October.
Top 10 most pirated films in 2016
1. Deadpool 《死侍》
2. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 《蝙蝠俠大戰超人:正義黎明》
3. Captain America: Civil War 《美國隊長3:英雄內戰》
4. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 《星球大戰:原力覺醒 》
5. X-Men:Apocalypse 《X戰警:天啟》
6. Warcraft 《魔獸》
7. Independence Day: Resurgence 《獨立日:卷土重來》
8. Suicide Squad 《自殺小分隊》
9. Finding Dory 《海底總動員2:多莉去哪兒》
10. The Revenant 《荒野獵人》
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