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Downtown art walk provides new view of Los Angeles

[ 2012-07-03 17:22]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009

Central Los Angeles is undergoing a renaissance - at least one night every month.

It is both a party - and an artistic pilgrimage. One evening each month, nearly 50 downtown galleries open their doors to thousands of visitors who sample the local art scene on a self-guided tour.

Artist and gallery owner Noboru Mishima shows art by Californians inspired by Asian themes.

Around the corner, Gonzalo Algarate, who comes from Uruguay, shows one of his sculptures.

"For an artist, it's really rewarding because you have the chance to show what you do, and a big amount of people see it," Algarate said.

The monthly art walk brings thousands of people into the street. It is part of the revitalization of this city center. Once vacant buildings are now home to young professionals. Many artists live and work in these downtown lofts. Mexican-born artist Miguel Osuna opened his studio, showing a work inspired by scenes he sees on the LA freeways.

"These are images that sometimes you see with the corner of your eye when you're driving. You are not aware that they are there." Osuna said.

Another gallery features textiles from around the world, says curator Ellen Schinderman.

"Mostly Western Europe and the US, but it's so lovely to have pieces from as far afield as Finland," Schinderman said.

Photographer Jaimee Itagaki says the art walk has brought new life to the city center.

"It's very exciting. It's revitalizing downtown," Itagaki said.

And month by month, visitors are surprised to see how lively and international downtown LA is becoming.

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(來源:VOA 編輯:旭燕)





