In the first scientific study of its kind, researchers found Wi-Fi on laptops could be causing damage to your sperm’s DNA. |
A word of caution for men trying to have kids: your laptop may be impacting the quality of your sperm. In the first scientific study of its kind, researchers found Wi-Fi on laptops could be causing damage to your sperm’s DNA. Researchers studied how exposure to Wi-Fi enabled laptops, or the microwave radiation, impacted sperm production. They found men exposed for only four hours experienced measurable DNA damage to their sperm and a reduction in movement, or motility, of the sperm. "The word is cautionary," said Dr. Dale McClure, Urologist and male fertility specialist from the University of Washington at Seattle. "I don't think we should rush out and stop using laptops, but I think if you're using a laptop, maybe not keep it on your groin." The study was presented by Argentine researchers here in Denver at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference. We asked men and women using laptops at Stella's Coffee Haus on South Pearl Street how it might impact their laptop use. "Would it stop me from using my computer? Probably not. Would it make me take it off my lap? Maybe," said Craig Rangel, who said he already has one child and is thinking about another. "At this point in life, because I'm not considering kids, I don't think it would even enter my mind," said Kristina Stamatis, a high school teacher who is single. "I don't know how else I'd function without (my laptop)," said Nat Ridder, who is also single and childless, "And right now ... sperm count doesn't count for a lot in my lifestyle." "Our society has kind of pushed us to a point business-wise where you don't really have a choice. You kind of have to use your computer all the time," said Dale Greer, a wine dealer who said he and his wife are considering having children. An earlier study on microwave radiation from cell phones led scientists to determine it can reduce sperm quality. So now they recommend not carrying your cell phone in your pocket. Until more definitive research is done you might want to keep your laptop away from your groin as well. (Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.) (Agencies) |
給那些想要小孩的男人提個醒:你的筆記本電腦也許正在影響你的精子質量。 研究人員在首例該類型的科學研究中發現,筆記本電腦的無線網絡可能會對你的精子的DNA造成損害。 研究人員研究了無線上網本的微波輻射是如何影響精子生成的。他們發現,男性只要暴露在這樣的微波輻射下達四個小時,他們的精子DNA就會受到明顯損害,精子的運動能力也會下降。 來自西雅圖的華盛頓大學泌尿科醫生、男性生殖專家戴爾?麥克盧爾博士說:“這是一個警告。我不認為我們應該立刻停止使用筆記本電腦,但是我覺得如果你正在使用的話,最好不要把筆記本放在大腿上。” 在丹佛舉行的美國生育醫學界大會上,阿根廷研究人員提交了這一研究報告。 我們調查了在南珀爾街的星星咖啡屋使用筆記本電腦的男性和女性,問他們這一研究結果是否會影響他們對筆記本的使用。 克雷格?蘭格爾說:“你問這是否會讓我停止使用筆記本電腦?很可能不會。是否會讓我把筆記本從大腿上拿開?有可能。”蘭格爾說他已經有了一個小孩,正想再要一個。 克里斯提娜?斯塔瑪提斯是一名單身的高中老師。她說:“在人生的這個階段,因為我沒考慮生小孩,所以我覺得自己根本不會往這方面去想。” 納特?里德也是一名沒有子女的單身人士。他說:“我不知道沒有它(我的筆記本)我要怎么活。而且就目前來看,精子數量對我的生活影響不大。” 戴爾?格里爾是一位酒商,他說他和妻子正打算要小孩。他說:“我們的社會驅使著我們去商業化,其實你并沒有選擇。你總是不得不使用電腦。” 先前一項關于手機微波輻射的研究讓科學家認為這些輻射會降低精子質量。所以現在他們建議不要把手機放在口袋里。 在更確定的研究結果出來之前,你可能也會想把你的筆記本電腦從你的大腿上拿開。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:馮明惠) |
Vocabulary: Wi-Fi: 全稱為“wireless fidelity”,原先是無線保真的縮寫。Wi-Fi是一種可以將個人電腦、手持設備(如PDA、手機)等終端以無線方式互相連接的技術。Wi-Fi是一個無線網路通信技術的品牌,由Wi-Fi聯盟所持有。也有人把Wi-Fi等同于無線網際網路。 motility: 能動性,游動性 urologist: 泌尿科醫生 groin: the part of the body where the legs join at the top including the area around the genitals(腹股溝;大腿根兒) |