File Photo of Harvard University. This list is an attempt to quantify the elusive but important quality of "reputation" in higher education. |
Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are top of a global league table of university reputation - in a top 100 dominated by US institutions. Cambridge and Oxford make the top 10 - but other UK universities have slipped, while Asian institutions have risen. The rankings are based on the perceptions of 17,000 academics. This list is an attempt to quantify the elusive but important quality of "reputation" in higher education - with its findings based on the opinions of academics around the world. The first such ranking by the Times Higher Education magazine, published last year, had the same top five as this year - with the two Boston-based institutions, Harvard and MIT, in first and second place. Cambridge was once again the highest ranking UK university in third place, followed by Stanford and University of California, Berkeley. But Phil Baty, editor of the Times Higher Education rankings, says there is an underlying picture of UK universities heading downwards - with fewer in the top 100 and a decline for others including Imperial College London and University College London. "Our global reputation as the home of outstanding universities has been hit," he said. Reflecting the rise of Asian countries as the new education superpowers, there is an increasing presence for countries such as China, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Switzerland is also seen as performing well, relative to its population, with three universities in the top 100. Such rankings do not have an official status, but they have become an increasingly significant part of how universities market themselves to students, particularly as higher education has become more globalised. This latest league table reinforces the emergence of "global superbrands", headed by institutions such as Stanford on the US West Coast and Harvard on the East Coast, and Oxford and Cambridge in the UK. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
英國泰晤士高等教育特刊近日公布最新全球大學名氣榜,哈佛大學與麻省理工學院高踞前兩名,美國大學在上榜的百所大學中優勢明顯。 劍橋大學和牛津大學躋身前十,但其他的英國高校排名下降,亞洲大學的聲譽排名呈上升趨勢。 該排行榜征求了1.7萬名學者的意見與看法。 該排行榜試圖根據全球受訪學者的意見,對難以衡量但很重要的高校“聲譽”質量進行量化。 英國泰晤士高等教育特刊于去年開始發布,前五名高校與今年相同,兩所位于波士頓的名校、哈佛大學和麻省理工學院也位于前兩位。 劍橋大學排名第三,仍然是排名最高的英國高校,位居其后的是斯坦福大學和加州大學伯克利分校。 但該排行榜的編輯費爾?巴迪說,可以看出,英國高校的排名將會下滑,排名前一百位的英國高校減少了,其他多所英國高校排名也在下降,包括帝國理工學院和英國倫敦大學學院。 他說:“我們作為全球知名大學聚集地的聲譽遭到重創。” 來自中國、日本、新加坡和韓國的入圍高校增多,這也反映出亞洲國家作為新的教育強國的崛起。 瑞士表現也不俗,相對于較少的人口來說,有三所大學上榜已經相當不易。 這一排名沒有得到官方認可,但在大學如何把自己推銷給學生的過程中起著越來越重要的作用,特別是在高等教育全球化的今天。 這份最新排名進一步印證了“全球高校巨頭”的出現,領頭的則是美國西海岸的斯坦福大學、東海岸的哈佛大學、以及英國的牛津和劍橋大學。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: league table: 排行榜,積分榜 |