Venue: An aerial photograph of the Olympic stadium in Stratford, east London. Germans say it will host a 'soggy mess' |
They have a reputation for faultless efficiency and planning events with meticulous detail. So perhaps we should be worried that Germans already believe London 2012 will be an 'Olympic-sized disaster'. Germany's leading news magazine has launched an attack on Britain’s preparations for the Olympics, poking fun at facilities and warning that the Games are destined to go down in history as a gigantic 'soggy mess'. The article in Der Spiegel trashes numerous aspects about the Games, from the 'clattering' Tube system that will transport most spectators to Olympic venues to pavements that are 'too narrow' and a passport control situation at Heathrow bordering on chaotic. 'London and the Olympic Games are clearly not made for each other,' it said. 'Visitors will need determination and, most of all, patience to reach the venues at all. And, for the locals, it all can’t end soon enough.' The article claims that the Olympics, which will run from July 27 to August 12, will be an 'arduous obstacle course for everyone'. 'Starting this week, the world’s biggest financial centre will be gripped by a special condition usually only seen in wartime,' it reads. 'Its 7.8million inhabitants are about to be joined by an average of 1million additional visitors per day. 'The already overloaded public-transportation system will be burdened with an additional 3 million fares per day. 'A total of 109 miles of the city’s streets will be closed off to normal traffic. 'Almost twice as many soldiers as Britain has in Afghanistan, a helicopter carrier and special forces units armed to the teeth will make the city look like it’s under siege.' The Germans, whose last efforts at hosting the Olympic Games saw Israeli athletes murdered in Munich in a security fiasco in 1972, then criticise an aspect beyond our control - the weather. It reads: 'And then there’s England’s classic bad weather, which has some wondering whether the Summer Games will turn into a fiasco. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
德國人素來以完美的辦事效率和嚴密的籌劃著稱。 也許我們該擔心德國人已然認為倫敦2012奧運會將成為一場“奧林匹克規模的災難”。 德國的主流新聞雜志已經對英國的奧運籌備展開攻擊,取笑倫敦的奧運設施,并警告說倫敦奧運會注定會以“浸水的大爛攤子”之名載入奧運史冊。 這篇刊登在德國明鏡雜志上的文章對倫敦奧運會的諸多方面嗤之以鼻,從將運送多數乘客到達奧運場館的“嘈雜”地鐵,到“過窄”的人行道,再到倫敦希思羅機場的入境護照管制所造成的混亂,無一幸免。 該文章稱:“倫敦和奧運會雙方很明顯都不適于對方。” “游客們要得以最終到達場館要有決心,最重要的是還要有耐心。而且對當地人來說,這種情況一時半會兒可結束不了。” 該文章還說,從7月27日開始到8月12日結束的倫敦奧運會將成為“每個人都需要經歷的一段艱巨的超越障礙訓練”。 “從本周開始,這個世界著名的金融中心將進入一種通常只在戰爭時期才出現的特殊狀態。” “780萬倫敦居民平均每天將面臨100萬外來游客。” “早已不堪重負的公共交通系統每天還將額外負荷300萬名乘客。” “總長為109英里的城市街道將停止正常交通。 “英國調用了其阿富汗派遣部隊兩倍之多的士兵作為安保人員,派出一艘直升機航母,還啟用了全副武裝的特種部隊,這將令倫敦看起來像是處于圍困之中。” 德國上次舉辦奧運會還是在1972年,由于安保措施的慘敗,導致以色列運動員在慕尼黑被殺害,如今,他們倒在批評一個超出英國控制范圍的因素——天氣。 文章中說:“還有英格蘭臭名昭著的壞天氣,這不禁讓人有些懷疑本屆夏季運動會是否會是一場慘敗。” 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:Julie) |
Vocabulary: meticulous: 嚴密的;一絲不茍的 trash: 把……視為廢物 arduous: 艱巨的;費力的 fare: 乘客 fiasco: 完全失敗;可恥的失敗 |