Chinese police detained 61,300 suspects and handled 53,000 cases in a recent crackdown on drug crimes, the Ministry of Public Security said. A national campaign was launched in late January, and as of May 9 it had resulted in the seizure of 17 metric tons of heroin and methamphetamine, nearly three times the amount seized during the same period last year. Police also smashed 274 manufacturing dens and seized 4,438 tons of chemicals and other raw materials used for producing narcotics, the ministry said. "The huge demand for drugs among addicts and the temptation of high profits for trafficking are the reasons for the high incidence of such crimes," said Liu Yuejin, director of the Ministry of Public Security's Narcotics Department. In March, the number of registered drug addicts nationwide was 2.14 million, up 47 percent from 2008, ministry figures show. The number of registered drug addicts taking synthetic drugs was also up to 83,400, a rise of 28.5 percent compared with 2008. According to the ministry, in some regions and areas more than 30 percent of crime, including theft and robbery, are blamed on drug addicts, and the annual illegal consumption of drugs is more than 60 billion yuan ($9.77 billion) nationwide. In addition, gun-related drug crimes have increased sharply, with national anti-drug police seizing 739 kinds of guns and 29,000 bullets as of May 9, said Yang Zhaohui, a senior official with the ministry's narcotics department. In February, Guangxi police, together with Tianjin and Liaoning police, uncovered a major gun and drugs manufacturing case. The police destroyed a drug processing factory and an illegal den for manufacturing guns in Tianjin, according to the ministry. They seized six guns and gun-making equipment and parts. Moreover, drug traffickers took advantage of legal loopholes and often used logistics and express delivery to transport drugs, Yang said. "Under the influence and development of the international drug situation, we are facing a tough task to combat drug crimes," Liu said, adding that anti-drug work will constantly meet new challenges. Police will investigate national entertainment venues and bars to fight against drug addicts and traffickers, and collect clues to destroy drug trafficking rings and networks, he added.
(China Daily) |
近日,公安部禁毒局局長劉躍進在接受《中國日報》專訪時表示,自今年1月底全國公安機關開展“掃毒害保平安”嚴打百日整治專項行動以來,公安機關繳獲毒品和抓獲犯罪嫌疑人的數量同比大幅上升。 據公安部禁毒局提供的官方數據顯示,截止5月9日,全國共破獲毒品案件5.3萬起,同比上升46.7%;抓獲毒品犯罪嫌疑人6.13萬名,同比上升47.4%;繳獲海洛因、冰毒、冰毒片劑、氯胺酮等四類毒品17噸,同比上升198%。同時,公安機關打掉制毒加工廠(點)274個,查獲主要制毒原料以及其他易制毒化學品、制毒原料4438噸。 另一組數據顯示,截止2013年3月,全國登記在冊的吸毒人員已達213.5萬名,總數比2008年凈增100.8萬名。同時,截止3月份,全國登記吸食合成毒品人員83.4萬人,比2008年增加2.85倍,以年均120%的增幅持續攀升。 “吸毒人員的龐大消費需求和高額的販毒利潤刺激了制販毒活動的高發”,他說?!岸酒穯栴}嚴重危害社會治安,吸食毒品將造成嚴重的不可逆轉的身體損害,廣大群眾深惡痛絕。公安機關將堅決打擊毒品犯罪”。 據劉躍進介紹,一些地區30%以上的偷盜、搶劫、搶奪等侵財類犯罪案件均為吸毒人員所為;毒品問題消耗大量社會財富,據保守估計,在我國,每年非法毒品消費超過600億元。 據介紹,專項行動期間,各地破獲的毒品犯罪案件均有大幅增長。近期,公安機關主要是在云南、廣西等西南邊境一線堵截了一批“金三角”和“金新月”毒品,僅云南省就繳獲6.74噸海洛因和冰毒。 在廣東等制毒活動多發地區摧毀了一批制毒窩點,其中廣東打掉制毒廠點92個,四川打掉制毒場點61個,在內陸的毒品消費地區打掉了一批吸販毒團伙和網絡,他說。 并且,公安機關破獲的涉槍毒品案件明顯增加。截止目前,各地在行動中共繳獲各類槍支739支,子彈2.9萬余發。2月7日,廣西公安禁毒部門會同天津、遼寧警方聯合偵破一起特大制槍、制毒犯罪案件,一舉端掉一個毒品加工廠和一個非法制造槍支窩點,收繳槍支6支和一批制槍設備和槍支零部件。 再有,近期,郵寄毒品案件呈現上升趨勢。隨著物流寄遞業的高速發展,販毒分子利用寄遞行業快速發展中一些監管政策滯后形成的監管盲區進行毒品販運活動,且愈演愈烈。 3月18日,廣東、浙江、福建警方聯合行動,成功偵破一起郵包走私毒品案件,繳獲海洛因1070克。2月23日,云南公安邊防部門查獲一起包裹藏毒案件,繳獲海洛因1720克、冰毒83克。 劉躍進說,行動成果的上升,一方面說明全國公安機關打擊毒品犯罪的力度進一步加大,禁毒工作的能力和水平進一步提高,全民禁毒、多警參與、多部門協作的禁毒工作格局更加健全完善。另一方面也說明了受國際毒品形勢發展的影響,我國面臨的毒品形勢仍不容樂觀,新問題和新動向不斷出現,禁毒工作成效不斷面臨新的挑戰和壓力。 下一步,公安機關將重點打擊販毒組織的頭目和幕后操縱者,摧毀制、販毒品的利益鏈條。并且,警方將在涉毒重點場所,如KTV等娛樂場所、酒吧等開展檢查來查緝吸毒和販毒人員,進一步收集線索打擊販毒團伙和網絡,他說。 (中國日報記者張琰編譯)