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Beer & Buns restaurant to serve $250 hamburger

[ 2014-03-14 10:53] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
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推出這款漢堡的餐廳名叫Beer & Buns,將于本月底在The Court酒店開業。而這款漢堡也將努力摘獲該市最貴漢堡的稱號。“一開始我們想售價999刀的,但鬼才會買呢。” 酒店高管Abigail Tan說,“后來我們還是覺得250刀最合理,應該會有不少人想買,還可以幾個人一起分著吃”

其實只要兩種食材,這款漢堡嘗起來就夠棒了,這也是這款漢堡的小瑕疵。因為廚師Wisit Panpinyo太突出煙肉和鵝肝的味道使得魚子醬的味道幾乎被徹底掩蓋了。

而如果有客人不愿意花這么多錢買一個漢堡,該餐廳還推出了一系列泛亞洲食品比如售價12到17刀的漢堡。其實這不是第一款天價漢堡。Serendipity 3餐廳曾推出過一款售價295刀的漢堡,其中包含了松露,魚子醬,黃金甚至一個鉆石牙簽,但其中一部分被捐給了慈善機構。在這款漢堡面市兩年后,666漢堡快車推出了一款名為 “Douche Burger” 的產品,其中包含了龍蝦,魚子醬,松露,鵝肝和金箔,并售價666刀,但這家店很快就倒閉了。

最早的天價漢堡源自2001年,一個名叫Daniel Boulud的廚師將鵝肝和排骨融入了漢堡的制作。目前這款漢堡仍售價32刀,但含有松露的款則要售價140刀。


Does the Hamburglar know about this?

A Midtown restaurant will sell a $250 hamburger — an umami bomb comprised of Kobe beef, foie gras, crispy pancetta, white truffles and caviar.

Ketchup and mayonnaise are complimentary.

The Indulgence Burger at Beer & Buns, which will open later this month in The Court Hotel, is the latest mound of beef hoping to land the title of “most expensive burger” in the city.

"We thought about charging $999 for it, but realized no one would buy that," says Abigail Tan, an executive with the hotel company. "For $250, someone may buy it and split it up."

There’s certainly enough flavor for two — and that’s part of the problem. Chef Wisit Panpinyo’s concoction is so rich with pancetta and foie that you don’t even taste the caviar.

For those who aren't willing to shell out a couple of hundred on a hamburger, the restaurant will offer several pan-Asian inspired burgers and sliders, which range from about $12 to $17.

It's not the first time burger prices have been overcooked. Serendipity 3 offers a $295 patty with truffles, caviar, gold and even a diamond toothpick — but a portion of the price is set aside as a donation to the Bowery Mission.

Two years ago, the 666 Burger food truck sold a “Douche Burger” of lobster, caviar, truffles, foie gras and gold leaf for $666. But the truck is closed until May.

The original expensive burger was created by chef Daniel Boulud in 2001, when he combined foie gras and ground short ribs at db Bistro Moderne. The dish is still on the menu for $32 — but the truffle version is $140.

(來源:NYDailyNews.com 編輯:丹妮)





