Business and first-class guess are able to freshen up in one of the two on board showers before they enjoy their luxe meals, which include traditional Arab mezze and lamb noisettes with roasted seasonable vegetables and creamy mashed potato. 'Dining in this kind of impeccable luxury is comparable to dining in any gourmet restaurant or five-star hotel we've encountered the world over,' the judging panel said. 'We can't help but appreciate the attention to detail on every aspect of a flight with Emirates, making the travel just as memorable as the destination itself.' 'We are proud to be recognised as the Experts Choice for the second year in a row at Saveur Magazines' annual culinary awards,' a spokesperson from Emirates said. 'Eating well is an essential part of the Emirates travel experience, whatever the class of travel. Emirates has extended its commitment to offering not only the finest dining experience in the skies, but a dining experience worthy of the finest restaurants around the world.'
頭等艙和商務艙的乘客在享用大餐之前還可以在機上的兩個淋浴間梳洗一番,乘客可享用包括傳統的阿拉伯Mezze香料烤肉串,時蔬烤羊肉、奶油土豆泥等經典菜品。 “這樣的豪華飛機餐絕對可以與我們嘗試過的全世界頂級豪華餐廳和五星級酒店的美食媲美,”評委們稱。 “不得不承認,阿聯酋對于航空服務業的重視早就使搭乘飛機成為了令人難忘的旅行體驗。” “享受美食是阿聯酋旅游體驗的重要組成部分,不管你坐的是哪種艙位,阿聯酋的空中就餐體驗絕對堪稱全球最佳,它值得來自世界各地的旅行者體驗一番。”