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As infection toll passes 10,000, websites cash in with 'sexy Ebola nurse' costumes and even Ebola PARTIES

[ 2014-10-28 16:49] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009


The 'sexy Ebola containment suit' is on sale online

Websites and bars appear to be cashing in on the Ebola crisis by selling costumes for Halloween, mocked up to look like a containment suit being worn by volunteers risking their own lives to treat people infected with the deadly disease.

The costume - which is available in a male and female version - has appeared on the brands on sale website.

A description of the suit says: 'As the deadly Ebola virus trickles its way through the United States, fighting its disease is no reason to compromise style.'

The costume has gone on sale as flyers have been released advertising a 'Saturday Night Ebola Fever' Halloween event in London.

Last night the WHO confirmed the number of people who had been infected with the disease had reached 10,000.

Almost 5,000 people have so far died of Ebola, most from Africa and the WHO estimates the figure could be higher due to under reporting in Africa.

The costumes, which are being sold for $59.99 (£37) come complete with a white costume dress, face shield, breathing mask, safety eye goggles and blue gloves.

The site sells the lace up yellow boots separately for $79.99 (£49).

The description adds: 'The short dress and chic gas mask will be the talk of Milan, London, Paris, and New York as the world's fashionistas seek global solutions to hazmat couture.'

It says the male and female outfits are the perfect way for couples to dress up for Halloween parties. On the male version the website adds: 'This will literally be the most "viral" costume of the year.'

The Scotch of St James, a music venue in Mayfair in London, is due to hold an event called Saturday Night Ebola Fever for Halloween weekend. Flyers and a Facebook invite, complete with a banner with Halloween-themed writing, have been released - drawing criticism from charities attempting to deal with the outbreak.

However organisers say the event is being held to raise awareness of the deadly disease.

But Tom Dannatt, chief executive and founder of Street Child, a charity running an Ebola crisis appeal, told the Telegraph that anyone trying to make light of the crisis or a profit out of it is 'reprehensible.'

Organisers at the Scotch said the name of the flyer is a play on words, and that the theme was not Ebola but 1970s Saturday Night Fever.

A spokesman said: 'The organisers of the charity event aim to raise awareness as well as hard funds, in the region of £1500, that would go towards the fight against the spread of Ebola, and victims affected by the disease.'

He said it was a 'great shame' the event was now being viewed negatively.

He added: 'The voluntary donation has always been stated from the start, as the original intention of the event was always to raise money as much money as possible for a good cause.'

It has been organised by Mom X Dad, a London-based production agency.

A spokesman for Mom X Dad said they were now not sure if the event would go ahead because of the negative reaction to it.












圣詹姆斯的蘇格蘭人(The Scotch of St James)俱樂部是倫敦梅菲爾區(Mayfair)的一處音樂聚集地,萬圣節期間這里將舉辦“埃博拉周末夜狂熱”。該活動除了發放傳單以及臉書上的鏈接,還懸掛了一面寫有萬圣節主題的旗幟,這些宣傳都引來了正在處理埃博拉疫情的慈善機構的批評。


但是,慈善機構“街頭兒童”(Street Child)創始人和首席執行官湯姆?達納特(Tom Dannatt)告訴《電訊報》(the Telegraph),任何想要藐視埃博拉危機,或者想要從埃博拉危機中攫取利益的人都應受到譴責。





“埃博拉周末夜狂熱”由一家總部設在倫敦的制作公司Mom X Dad組織籌辦。

Mom X Dad的發言人說,由于“埃博拉周末夜狂熱”引發的消極反響,因此現在他們不肯定這次聚會是否能如期舉行。

(翻譯:bupt_maomao? 編輯:Julie)


英國網店推出萬圣節“性感埃博拉護士服”引熱議 英國網店推出萬圣節“性感埃博拉護士服”引熱議







