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Guiyang: City of spices and scenery


It looked like any other noodle and had a lovely name, Roumo Pepper Rice Noodle, so why even after staring at it for past one minute I was hesitant to try it? Well, don't let the name fool you.

Porridge with glutinous rice cake


This food contains glutinous rice cake in porridge. The rice cake is made of 70 percent coarse glutinous rice and 30 percent sticky rice, then mixed with sugar and steam in a steamer.The steamer is unusual. It is made of cedarn

Romantic grilled beancurd


Grilled beancurd is a good dish with wine in Guiyang. The beancurd is cut 3 cm in length and 0.5 cm thick, then it is baked on a barbed wire above a sawdust-burning brazier after being soaked in marinade.

Siwawa (Silk Doll)


Siwawa gets the name from the similarity to a newborn infant wrapped in silk, but, in this case, the swaddling clothes'are a rice flour pancake as thin as a piece of paper the size of the palm of your hand.

Wan'er cake


Wan'er cake takes its name from its resemblance to a little bowl and an ear ('er') and is a favored treat of children, also referred to as 'wa' er' (Chinese for 'child').Wan’er cakes first appeared in Guiyang during the Qing Dynasty

Lei's Tofu Pellets


Lei's tofu pellets are said to be the first thing a Guiyang woman named Lei Sanniang created, more than seven decades ago.For preparation, take some top soybeans and soak them in water for up to 10 hours

Changwang noodles


Among the many delicious snacks of Guizhou, changwang noodles best demonstrate the knife skill needed for Shanxi sliced noodles,the elasticity of Lanzhou's pulled noodles, the taste of Sichuan's Dandan noodles

Yipin Pot Soup


It is said that there is a well called Yipin Spring, so the soup beloved by people in a restaurant near the spring got the name Yipin Pot Soup.

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