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Yantai, Japan strengthen exchange in digital technology
2021-10-13A forum focusing on intelligent manufacturing and digital technology exchange between China and Japan was held on Oct 12.
RemeGen signs global licensing agreement on anti-cancer drug
2021-08-11Yantai-based biotech innovator RemeGen signed an exclusive worldwide licensing agreement with Seagen Inc on Aug 8.
Yantai's foreign capital in actual use hits record high in H1
2021-07-23The actual use of foreign capital in Yantai reached $1.26 billion, up 51.4 percent in the first half of this year.
RCEP treaty is a chance for better deals, says Henkel vice-president
2021-07-19The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement is a wonderful thing.
Multinational firms see potential in Yantai
2021-07-15Yantai has become a preferred place for multinational firms.
Yantai to deepen cooperation with multinationals
2021-07-14Yantai will host a promotional conference during the second Qingdao Multinationals Summit.