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Yantai deepens ties with Fortune Global 500 companies
2021-06-30Yantai hosted an online dialogue with the top executives of the world's top 500 enterprises on June 28.
Yantai foreign trade increases 57.5% in Jan-May
2021-06-23Foreign trade in Yantai saw steady growth from January to May.
RCEP industrial cooperation center launched in Yantai
2021-06-10The RCEP Industrial Cooperation and Development Center was launched
All-cargo airline links Yantai, Incheon
2021-05-27Yantai opened its all-cargo air route to Incheon on May 25.
Yantai, Japan, S Korea bolster engineering tech cooperation
2021-05-24The 2021 China-Japan-South Korea Conference of Engineering and Technology (CJKCET) opened on May 21.
Yantai, Chios establish sister city ties
2021-05-20Yantai and Chios established sister city ties on May 19.