
Opinion / Forum Trends

Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers

Updated: 2014-06-26 08:04 ( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

TedM (UK)

I wonder how Chinese people can be so friendly, polite and kind to each other, and yet become completely unaware of the dangers once they step into the streets or take to the wheels.

Pedestrians cross roads without a care about their safety. Motorcyclists speed down pavements and roads without any regard for pedestrians and other vehicles. Cars and trucks constantly cut across lanes. Pedestrian crossings and traffic lights are largely ignored by many.

Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers

Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers
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The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1065966-9559.html

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