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Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers

Updated: 2014-06-26 08:04 ( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)


I got my drivers license in Nanjing in 1994 and drove for one year in that city. It was unbelievable and amazing, just like a video game. I do not give way to pedestrians either. I now live in a smaller city and whilst not quite as exciting as Nanjing it's still pretty funky. Even in this smaller city I use my car horn more in one trip than in the whole of my previous years driving abroad.

My favorite part of driving in China is when the drivers flash you twice with their headlights. In the West this means, please go, after you. Here in China it means, "don't you dare, I am not stopping." It is still fun to drive in China though.

Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers

Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers Keeping pace with China's crazy drivers
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The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1065966-9559.html

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