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一周新聞熱詞榜,一網打盡trending news。CHINADAILY手機報新一期熱詞榜發榜啦!
1. 部長通道
ministers' passage
Ministers' passage, also known as ministers' red carpet, is the 100-meter passage near the northern gate of the Great Hall of the People where ministers have to go before entering the meeting hall.
對于報道兩會的記者們(reporters who cover the two sessions)來說,"部長通道(ministers' passage)"可以說是一座新聞富礦,是各家媒體鏖戰的重要場所。在這里,部長們成為無數閃光燈追逐的焦點(become the targets of constant bursts of camera flashes),面臨記者們的長串提問(face a barrage of questions from eager reporters)。部長們在這里說出的只言片語,都可能傳達出重要的訊息。
往年,想讓步履匆匆的部長們停下腳步,細致地回答記者問題并不容易(reporters had a hard time getting time-conscious ministers to stop and give in-depth answers),而今年兩會,部長們不用再被圍追堵截了(be chased down for interviews),他們主動站到"部長通道"發言席前,回應天價學區房(school district house of a whopping price)、醫院號販子(hospital appointment scalper)等熱點問題(hot issue),采訪現場氛圍熱烈而井然。"部長通道"成為兩會開放透明(open and transparent)和善待媒體的一個象征。
兩會前,李克強總理接連發話,要求國務院各部部長(ministers of the Sate Council)、直屬機構主要負責人(head of organizations directly under the State Council)積極回應輿論關切(address public concerns immediately),堅定社會信心(boost social confidence),給市場一個明確的預期。
民生痛點 the pain points for people's livelihood
獲得感 sense of gain
上頭條 dominate headlines
消息來源 news source
公眾關注的話題 topic of public concern
上一篇 : 袁貴仁談中國教育發展水平
下一篇 :
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