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Bride Wars《結婚大作戰》精講之二
[ 2009-12-02 10:15 ]

文化面面觀:Engagement ring




Bride Wars《結婚大作戰》精講之二

Liv: It didn't happen tonight. But I'm not worried, 'cause I'm sure Daniel's-

Emma: I-I'm engaged. Fletcher just proposed, like, two minutes ago. I'm engaged.

Liv: Color?

Emma: Colorless.

Liv: Cut?

Emma: Brilliant.

Liv: Clarity?

Emma: Slightly included.

Liv: Carat?

Emma: Almost, maybe just under. More than he could afford, I'm sure.

Liv: Wow!

Friend 1: Engaged? Wow! Liv's engaged. You're engaged. That's-That's-C-Can I call you back?

Friend 2: What do you mean Emma's engaged? No. Of course I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be happy? I think it's great. Yeah. No, you don't have to come here. I'm fine. I'm not gonna eat anything. Okay.

Friend 3: And I have the perfect wedding present. You are going to live with Emma and Fletcher. You're irritating me.

Emma: I can't believe it. It's so weird having this on my finger. I mean, hey, look. It even sparkles in the rain.

Liv: Blinding.

Emma: Ouch. So I'm thinking about getting Dj Humble to spin at my party. I don't know though. Is that weird?

Liv: You should go for it.

Emma: I'm not really a big band kind of girl.

Liv: Whatever. It's your wedding.

Emma: Oh. My mom can't fly up until the wedding. She's too busy with work. But who cares. I've got you, right?

Liv: Yeah. I'm so psyched.

Emma: So would you come with me to meet her?

Liv: I'm sorry. What? Meet who?

Emma: Marion St. Claire. Haven't you been listening? I've got an appointment with her on Friday.

Liv: You already made an appointment?

Emma: Yeah.

Liv: You just got engaged last night.

Emma: I know. But technically, I'm already behind. I mean, you gotta book early if you want the Plaza.

Liv: The Plaza? I can't believe this.

Emma: What-What's the matter? Why are you mad?

Liv: I'm not mad. No, not at you. I just don't know what's taking Daniel so long.

Emma: Oh, God. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have - We don't have to talk about this. Let's just drop it.

Liv: Don't worry about me. Worry about Daniel. He's gonna be dead soon.

Emma: Why? What-

Liv: Call you later.

Emma: What are you go - Liv, you let him do this his own way.

Liv: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me! Honey! Will you just marry me, already?

Colleague 1: Yeah. Okay.

Liv: I mean, isn't that what you want? 'Cause it's what I want...and I just wanna know if you want to marry me. Don't you wanna get married?

Daniel: Honey, can we talk about this later?

Liv: Oh, you changed your mind? I saw the Tiffany box in the closet. Right? Oh, my God. It's not a ring? If it's a key chain I'm gonna kill myself...and I'm taking you down with me. Why don’t you just tell me right here right now that whether marriage is something that you would want? Would you want to get married?

Daniel: You know what I will tell you? I have never met a more obnoxious, complicated, overbearing,...gorgeous, smart, sexy woman in my life. And - if you had just waited until tonight - then you wouldn't be the woman I fell in love with...because she doesn't know how to wait. Will you hold that for a second?

Colleague 1: Yeah.

Daniel: Which is fine, as long as I get to spend the rest of my life trying to catch up with her. Liv?

Liv: Hmm?

Daniel: Will you marry me?

Liv: Are you proposing?

Daniel: Mmm.

Liv: Really? Honey, it's so out of nowhere.

Daniel: Liv, shut up. Yes or no?

Liv: Yes. Yes.

Daniel: Babe.

Liv: Yes.

Daniel: This is not how I planned it.

Liv: Are you kidding?

Colleague 2: I love "Bring Your Hot Girlfriend to Work" day.

Colleague 3: Totally.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. cut: 款式,式樣。例如:the cut of a new suit(一套新裝的款式);wear glasses of an old-fashioned cut(戴老式眼鏡)。

2. slightly included: 略有內含物。include有“包含較次的成分”(to contain as a secondary or minor ingredient or element)的意思。

3. blinding: 炫目的,使眼花繚亂的。影片中Liv是說鉆戒很亮,發出炫目光彩。看一下例子:blinding tears(使眼睛朦朧的淚水)。blinding還可以表示“使看不見的”。例如:foul weather and blinding fog(惡劣的天氣和伸手不見五指的濃霧)。

4. spin: (DJ)播放(唱片)。

5. go for it: 大膽試一試,為了特定目的而冒一下險。go for也有“試圖得到,爭取”的意思。看一下例子:I'll will go for that job if I were you.(如果我是你,我就要設法得到那個職位。)

6. psyched: 激動的,興奮的。Liv表示能夠幫Emma籌辦婚禮她很愿意。psych有“使心理上作好準備;使興奮,使激動”的意思。請看例子:

He psyched himself up for the race.(他為賽跑作了充分的心理準備。)

It doesn't benefit you to get all psyched up against him.


7. technically: 從嚴格意義上來講。這個詞在日常生活中很常用。看一下例子:

The tomato is technically a fruit, although it is eaten as a vegetable.


8. obnoxious: 使人非常不快的,惹人討厭的,可憎的。影片中Daniel很顯然是在采用先抑后揚的策略。看一下例子:an obnoxious habit(招人厭的壞習慣)。

9. overbearing: 專橫的,傲慢的,盛氣凌人的。例如:be overbearing in one's relations with one's staff(專橫地對待手下的工作人員)。

10. out of nowhere: 突如其來。Liv表示她對Daniel的突然求婚感到很意外,因為就在幾秒鐘前,他還在說她是個惹人討厭的、傲慢的女人。

文化面面觀:Engagement ring


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