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Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日記2》精講之五

[ 2011-08-24 16:30]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009





Teacher: Now, I think we have time for one more and I have to say...when I read this paper, I was a bit surprised by its content. But more than any other, this one deserves to be read aloud. Greg.

Rowley: Yeah, Greg.

Teacher: Just read it, Greg. All of it.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日記2》精講之五

Greg: Sometimes I sit and wonder about stuffs I do not know. Like what the earth was like a hundred years ago. Did cavemen ride on dinosaurs? Did flowers even grow? Did spiders rule the earth? Were deserts falling snow? There were no books for human, so how are we to know what life was like a hundred years ago?

(Kids laughing)

Patty: Loser.

Teacher: Greg, when we talk about how important it is to recycle, we don't mean turn in your brother's old papers.

(Paper: F. AGAIN.)

Greg: I thought Daddy helped you with this paper?

Rodrick: No, actually, Dad started writing my paper because of that paper.

Greg: I looked like an idiot. And that girl from the Oregon, she laughed at me.

Rodrick: Ouch. Just do something to change her opinion of you. Like set a firecracker off the classroom. Boom! Chicks did like bad boys.

Greg: Actually I was thinking about writing her a note.

Rodrick: You mean like one of the words on it?

Greg: I have already figured it out. I will pass her a note with a question on it. But it will be anonymous. She should have to know who wrote this and later I will walk up to her and ask her the exact same question. It will blow her mind.

Rowley: I know. You want me spell check it?

Greg: No, just pass it to Holly.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日記2》精講之五

Rowley: To Holly.


Fregley: Thank you. (To Patty) It's from Greg.

Teacher: What's going on?

Patty: Greg Heffley ... is passing me note.

Greg: No, I wasn't.

Teacher: How do you get your hair to smell so beautiful?

Greg: Ok, the note might be said as a setback. But at least things are still going well with Rodrick. It's amazing, but I'm actually enjoying watching Loded Diaper's rehearsal for the talent show. Bill takes the band to a whole new level.

Bill: Somebody farted.

Rodrick: Somebody farted.

Greg: My dad should be happy that I'm hanging out with Rodrick. But I don't think he really likes Bill. I think what he is worried about is that I will turn out like Rodrick, Manny will turn out like me, and eventually, we all turn out like Bill.

(Note: Dear Greg, meet me in the art room before lunch. There is something I want to ask you. Kiss, kiss, Holly.)

Greg: Hi, Holly, I was glad to get your note. I have been wanting the chance to talk to you. Hey, you like to paint? I am kind of an artist myself. Holly?

Chirag: Ha!

Greg: Chirag?

Chirag: You see me now, don't you? Game, set and match.

(Kids laughing)

Greg: Hi, Holly.

Holly: Hey, Fregley.

Greg: She thinks I am Fregley?

Coach: That's gonna hurt.

Fregley: Do you want to see my secret freckle?

Rodrick: So the note to the girl didn't work out? All right, let's go, little bro. I am taking you out.

Greg’s mother: And here are my other men. Greg, Rodrick, I’d like you to meet my editors: Mrs. Salz and Mr. Cowen.

Mrs. Salz: Hey.

Rodrick: Hello.

Greg: Hey.

Mrs. Salz: Nice to meet you.

Greg’s mother: What are you boys up to?

Rodrick: I'm just taking the little brother out this evening so that we can use a good time.

Greg’s mother: Well, be safe, and be home by nine o'clock.

Rodrick: Yeah, see ya.

Greg: Bye.

Mrs. Salz: Bye. Have fun.

Greg’s mother: Good night.

Mr. Cowen: That is impressive. My older boy, he wants nothing to do with his younger brothers.

Mrs. Salz: You certainly practice what you preach. I think every mother in town should read your column.

Greg’s mother: Thanks.

Rodrick: Mom would kill us if she saw us doing this.

Greg & Rodrick: Brain freeze.

Rodrick: How I can say is get ready to have your mind blown, we're going to have an epic night.

Greg: Are you okay?

Rodrick: Fake vomit. You can't be the classics. Here he goes.

Man: Very funny. Very funny.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日記2》精講之五

Greg: This is sweet. So you know that girl who I sent the note to?

Rodrick: Yeah.

Greg: ... She thinks I am Fregley.

Rodrick: Oh, man. I mean, hey, don't take it hard. Girls act like they are not into you when they are really are. I mean tons of girls act like they are not into me, but they are. I know they are. I bet she really likes you.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. chick: 小妞。

2. anonymous: 匿名的。anonymous也可以表示“無特色的,無個性特征的”,例如:the grey anonymous streets(外觀千篇一律灰暗的街道)。

3. blow one's mind: 令某人感到極度興奮。例如:The music had really blown their minds -- they stayed awake for the whole night.(這音樂確實使他們極度興奮,他們整夜未能入眠。)

4. spell check: 做拼寫檢查。

5. setback: 挫折;失敗;倒退。看一下例子:He met with many a setback in his lifetime.(他一生中遭遇過許多挫折。)

6. Game, set and match: 全面的勝利,決定性的勝利(來自草地網球用語)。

7. up to: 忙于……的;密謀……的。例如:What have you been up to lately?(你近來在忙些什么?)

8. don't take it hard: 不要太在意,看開些。

9. be into: 對……很有興趣,極喜歡。例如:People are into extreme sports now.(現在人們對極限運動頗感興趣。)



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