


中國日報網 2012-10-17 08:43




筆者之所以寫就如此一番開場白,是因為在這方面關注頗多,并且經常感慨多多。不久前,筆者看到某城市的日報上刊登的一則英語新聞,內容是說該市的出租車起步價將要上調,沒想到該文的譯者(因為該英語新聞報道就是根據同內容的中文新聞報道轉譯的)把“起步價”逐字翻譯成了pace-starting price,讓人很是咋舌,因為這一說法很不地道和專業。

由此,筆者也產生了好奇心,試圖通過網絡搜索探究“起步價”這一在我們聽來耳熟能詳的說法,在英語里究竟用的什么地道表達。結果發現,base price,flag fall 和flag-down fare等詞語屬于在相關國家和地區最貼近的說法。請看美國媒體的以下報道:

Washington (CNN) -- Passengers hailing cabs in Chicago starting Sunday may want to read the fine print on the taxi placards before they get in. In addition to the base fare, cab drivers for the first time can charge sick passengers a $50 vomit cleanup fee.

上述內容是美國CNN2012年6月12日的一則新聞報道,說的是芝加哥的出租車將對租用出租車時在車上因為暈車而嘔吐的乘客征收50美元一次的嘔吐清潔費。其中的In addition to the base fare就是“除了起步價之外”的意思,也就是說,除了起步價,乘客若在車上嘔吐,將支付額外的清潔費。以下是芝加哥的出租車上張貼的各類收費標準說明以及對乘客告知的各類權利和義務。


同樣,美國紐約的餐飲、時尚和夜生活指南雜志New York Magazine也有一則關于出租車起步價調價的報道:

But on May 3, our relationship with cabs will change. The base fare is going up to $2.50 from $2. Every tick of the meter (one-fifth of a mile) will cost 40 cents, up a dime. A trip to JFK from Manhattan will run $45, an increase of $10.

不過,該雜志的這篇報道在結尾部分對該市調價之后的出租車收費情況作了一個總結,對“起步價”則使用了另外一個更加通俗易懂的表達initial charge:


Initial charge: $2.50

(was $2)

Mileage: 40 cents per 1/5 mile

(was 30 cents)

Waiting charge: 40 cents per 120 seconds

(was 30 cents per 90 seconds)

JFK flat fare: $45

(was $35)

Newark surcharge: $15

(was $10)

4 p.m.–8 p.m. weekday

Surcharge: $1

(new charge)

美國新興的私家車搭乘服務商UBER在其收費說明中也使用了base fare這一說法:





Base Fare
Start with this fare




Per Mile in SF
Speed over 11mph




Per Mile Outside SF
Speed over 11mph




Per Minute
Speed at or below 11mph




Minimum Fare




Cancellation Fee




? 在澳大利亞,出租車的“起步價”通常使用flag fall 或flagfall,維基百科就有如下說明:Flagfall or flag fall is common Australian expression for a fixed start fee, especially in the haulage and railroad industry. The origin is a taxi expression for the minimum charge for hiring a taxi, to which the rate per kilometer or mile is then added.

? 澳大利亞新南威爾士州交通局官網一則關于本地出租車從2012年7月22日開始調價的通知中,出現了以下相關詞語:起步價(flag fall),公里價(distance rate),夜間營業額外收費(night-time surcharge),訂車費(booking fee)等等。

Flag Fall


Distance Rate

$2.14 per kilometer

Night-time Surcharge

A surcharge of 20% of the Distance Rate in respect of a journey commencing between 10 pm and 6 am daily

Booking Fee


Waiting Time

$55.30 per hour (92.1c per minute) while vehicle speed is less than 26 km/h


All road, bridge, ferry, tunnel and airport tolls that apply to the journey, and the return toll for a northbound journey over the Sydney Harbour Bridge or through the Sydney Harbour Tunnel (at the time of crossing)

Multiple Hirings

75% of the maximum fare per passenger, for a multiple hiring:

·                                 Agreed to with the consent of the driver and all hirers

·                                 All hirers commence journey at the same time and travel to destinations in same general direction

Sharing a taxi

100% of the maximum fare paid by the hirer - even if the hirer requires the driver to permit other passengers to share the taxi or to drive to other destinations before driving to the hirer's destination.

關于Flag-fall 這一說法,已有被我國媒體援引的先例,如海南省三亞市關于出租車資費漲價的新聞報道:According to the results of the fare-adjustment hearing, Sanya will introduce a new taxi flag-fall fare starting September 1st, 2011.

Flag-down fare/rate這一說法則在新加坡和香港等亞洲以英語為工作語言的國家比較常用,如新加坡公共交通官網的一則服務介紹中關于出租車資費的說明:Taxi fares are charged by the taxi meter and are based on a flag down rate and the distance traveled. The flag down rate ranges from S$3.00 to S$5.00 (depending on type of taxi). 以下是具體的資費收費標準說明:



Meter fare

Comfort / CityCab







Flag-down Fare (1st km)



$3.00 to $5.00


Distance Fare


22 cents every 400 metres (above 1 km10 km)*

22 cents every 350 metres (beyond 10 km)*


Waiting Time


22 cents every 45 seconds *

新加坡出租車官網也有類似內容的介紹:In Singapore, taxi cab fares must be charged by the taxi meter and are based on a flag down rate and the distance traveled. The flag down rate ranges from S$3.00 to S$5.00 (depending on the type of taxi).

香港某網站關于本地出租車資費的介紹也使用了flag-down fare這一說法:The red taxi could run around the whole Hong Kong only except Lanta. The flag down fare is HKD 15 for the first 2 kilometers and HKD 1.4/0.2 km will be charged thereafter. In addition, the waiting time fee may be added as HKD1.2/minute and HKD 4 of big luggage fee be charged. 不過,在另一網站關于香港地鐵的介紹中,則出現了base fare:The base fare for a one-way ticket is $4 HKD (about $0.52 USD) and quickly increases depending on the distance traveled.由此看來,在香港,關于公共交通工具的“起步價”,flag-down fare 和base fare都是很常用的。

其實,flag down 不僅用作名詞,表示出租車的起步價,它還可以用作動詞,表示“招手截停”出租車(signal to stop),有時候也可以單獨使用flag,這可是值得我國英語學習者牢記在心的一個地道表達,例如:

1. In downtown Hong Kong and the Kowloon Peninsula, taxis are easy to flag down from the street. In other areas, you should call the taxi dispatch to request one.

2. Taxis in Hong Kong abound but are difficult to flag down during rush hours and when it rains. Make sure that you flag taxis in the stop zones. You can easily recognize the no-stopping zones by a yellow line on the curb of the road.

3. Taxis are everywhere in Hong Kong and very easy to find or flag down.

筆者發現,關于“招手截停”出租車,我國的英語學習者基本上只會使用“stop”這一單詞,其語境和語用與地道表達相去甚遠。除了上面說到的flag down,另一說法是hail,例如:If this is about seeing a vacant taxi on a street and asking the driver to stop for you, "hail a taxi" is what one would say in AE. If you mean something else, please be more specific. 該網站更加具體的說明是:to hail a taxi -- which is to make a gesture (raising your arm) to get a taxi to stop。如果你有急事需要求助,招手示意其他車輛停下來,也是flag down,例如:

1. I flagged down a passing car to ask for help.

2. Let's flag down a cab--it's starting to rain.

3. The policeman flagged down our car.

無論是flag down 還是flag fall,關于出租車“起步價”在英語中的地道表達,都離不開一個關鍵詞flag。那么,這里的flag又是什么意思呢?是我們通常理解的“旗幟”嗎?百度詞典對flag down 的解釋是“打旗號使停下”,貌似“打旗語”的意思。但根據筆者的查證,這里的flag和“旗語”似乎無關,而是來自早期的出租車營運方式,那時候的出租車里有一個類似旗幟的操作桿,如果是空車,這個操作桿是豎著的,而如果乘客進入車內,這個操作桿就被放倒了(down/fall),出租車開始計費,此乃flag down/fall也。維基百科關于flag fall的解釋提供了詳細的說明:The origin is a taxi expression for the minimum charge for hiring a taxi, to which the rate per kilometer or mile is then added. It dates back to the old mechanical taximeters, which were equipped with a flag-like lever that could be seen from outside the cab. When the "flag" was up and visible, the cab was not occupied. When a passenger stepped in, the driver turned the lever down - the "flag fall" - and the taximeter started counting.

About the author:





可以說stop something done嗎?



“歡迎乘坐地鐵”是Welcome to take metro嗎


(作者王銀泉 中國日報網英語點津 編輯陳丹妮)



















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