[ 2007-03-13 08:56 ]
孟子曰:“有恒產者有恒心。” 物權法正是要給公眾一個“恒心”。兩會上,有望被審議通過的“物權法”是萬眾矚目的焦點。物權法草案是中國從法律上明確保護私人財產的一項重要立法,強調對國家財產、集體財產和私有財產予以平等保護。
請看《中國日報》相關報道:A draft onproperty lawwas finally tabled for discussion at the NPC on March 8 after a 14-year legislative marathon.
In order to grant the farmers a long-term and guaranteed land-use rights, the draft stipulates that:
At the expiration of the term of a contract for a piece of farmland, grassland or forest land, the contractor of the right to land contractual management may have the contract renewed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
報道中的“property law”就是“物權法”相應的英文表達。“Property”在此指“the right of ownership; title”(所有權)。
此外,另一部與“物權法”同等重要,同樣被認為是本次大會我國立法工作大事的草案是“企業所得稅法”,其相應的英文表達是“enterprise/corporate income tax law”。